I'm getting to the point of believing there are only two people who actually work at Pandora, one guy in the morning to turn off the lights and one guy in the evening to turn on the lights. Their algorithm is atrocious and 4 of my stations have suddenly become a repeat of themselves playing the same song across all them. New songs will only appear when I create a new station then Pandora will play all of those songs on all the other similar stations (that I've had for years) instead of being proactive like they used to be, and suggesting the artist before I create a station with them. Example: say I have a Nirvana station for 3 years and then a friend shows me Foo Fighters so I create a Foo Fighters station, then out of no where Pandora decides to play Foo Fighters on the Nirvana Station. Well no Sh** I shouldn't have had to make a Foo Fighters station for your algorithm to have figured that out! And then there is the Picture fiasco for our created stations... two people.
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