Add me to the pile of disgruntled Pandora users. Ever since two days ago, I'm now unable to Chromecast from Pandora. It really s[]ck5... and as a result, I've been on Spotify and not Pandora. This is a shame. I've been a Pandora Premium subscriber for years, but it seems like the service is dying? I'll wait for four weeks. If a month has gone by from this date and there is no fix, I'll just assume that's it, and try to rebuild my music "stations" in Spotify. Seeing as there are many people that have been posting about this problem for many months, I'm not feeling all that hopeful.
Edit: D4^^N.. I've been a user since August 2006? That is indeed a long time. Fix yo s*&t, Pandora!
Second edit: I remembered what one of the users said earlier in the thread. So I uninstalled Pandora from my iPhone. Completely deleted it and all of its data. Reinstalled the app, logged back in... and now I'm able to Chromecast again. I'm a Premium user. I'm not sure if this will work for the person reading it, but good luck!
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