Yes. Still happening today. Putting on my engineering hat. I see y'all are using bugsnag. Here's the error that is caught right after the audio cuts out (I removed my token in case it's sensitive)... Warning - the community wysiwyg editor mutated the message due to invalid html... message: "Playhead hasn't been updated for 3000 sec {"audioUrl":"<token>","isEncrypted":false,"contentHost":"internal","trackId":"S30387","trackType":"STATION","duration":288,"currentTime":227.859979,"bufferedAmount":0,"bufferedRemaining":null}" Session id - ckjn6c7fv00003g6rfhasn5bt here's the ajax calls immediately prior to the bugsnag Response from /api/v5/collections - 1608717887203000 Response from ads.json - {"version":"1.149.0"} Seemed to restart after a few minutes when one of these requests fired (I wasn't watching closely so I don't know which)
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