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Pandora and Tidal are both music streaming services, but they cater to different needs and offer varying levels of audio quality. Let's compare their quality bitrates: Pandora: Pandora offers different audio quality depending on the type of subscription you have and the device you are using. Their bitrate offerings are as follows: * Free users: 64kbps for web users, 128kbps for mobile users. * Pandora Plus and Pandora Premium subscribers: 192kbps for web and mobile users. Tidal: Tidal is known for its focus on high-quality audio streaming, offering two main tiers of audio quality: * Tidal Premium: Standard quality, which offers 320kbps AAC (Advanced Audio Codec) streaming. * Tidal HiFi: Lossless CD-quality, which offers 1,411kbps FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) streaming. Tidal HiFi also includes access to Tidal Masters, which streams at 24-bit/96kHz MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) for certain tracks and albums, providing an even higher level of audio quality. In conclusion, if audio quality is your primary concern, Tidal offers significantly higher bitrates than Pandora, especially with its HiFi tier, which provides lossless CD-quality and even higher-resolution MQA streaming. However, if you're satisfied with standard audio quality and more interested in other factors like personalized radio stations, Pandora might be more suitable for your needs.
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I have a Tidal family plan with the best quality they offer (its the best I've found anywhere). I pay $29/mo but for me.. it's worth the quality. As a sound engineer I notice every little thing so when I listen to low quality it seriously bothers me. Tidal lacks the Genome technology that Pandora has. If Pandora had the quality I'd switch back but for me quality sound is everything. Just a matter of opinion and choice, and I guess that's the beauty of free market capitalism... we get choices due to competition, and those that can't compete end up falling away.
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Totally.. I'm sure it would be a major project... but if they don't get on it they will be a "Blockbuster video in a Netflix world" They COULD offer "Pandora HD" as an option, and charge like $4.95 more (or something like that). Some people would complain that they have to pay a little more if they want HD so they could just go with a competitor but if they want the Genome technology they stay and pay. Pandora's Genome tech is totally unmatched as far as I can tell. it really knows what you want to hear.
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Yeah, but SiriusXM owns Pandora Music, and has a net worth of $1.213 Billion. They can afford to upgrade the quality as the others have (Tidal, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, etc). I use Tidal and get far better quality.. a real noticeable difference through any device I use. As far as the abolition of net neutrality presenting an issue... that hasn't caused any of the aforementioned companies to degrade quality for that reason. I think it's a non-issue. I agree that speakers and hardware matter, and always have.
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Agreed. The Entrepreneur in me wants to approach Pandora (who is owed by Sirius XM as of Feb 2019 I believe) for me to be a paid consultant or to take over as CEO LOL. The Audiophile in me feels the same way, to bring the best of the genome tech coupled with the highest quality possible to the masses. I feel like a generation is missing out on quality. even the sound systems today are inferior.. I remember when people used to have quality equipment and 4-6ft tall speakers in their homes for a real experience.
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Yeah, that's the thing... I think Pandora is best at choosing music. really sad that they can't get the quality better because they'd dominate the market. I let my family plan expire and will not renew.
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and what you just said is the SAME exact thing most other have said. amazes me that Pandora could crush the competition but chooses not to. I own my own business and work at home... I work my **ahem** off 8-12 hours a day. I could only imaging being able to get a $million salary doing NOTHING like these execs of these companies do... LAZY!
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Like Twitter, Pandora's management is too incompetent to give a **ahem**. Maybe Elon Musk will buy Pandora and fix it 😄
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Yep, perfectly said. The reason MP3 was made in the first place was 56k baud rate modems in the mid 90s. It cuts quality in order to compress the file size however Bandwidth is no longer an issues as it was in those days. They should do WAV files for CD quality and crush the competition. It could be an optional setting for those who use mobile devices and ARE concerned about data usage. Pandora was acquired by SiriusXM on September 24, 2018, for $3.5 billion. The Pandora's revenue was $870mil in 2021 however the year before SiriusXM bought it it was $1.4Bil. Sad that SiriusXM acquired Pandora and has totally neglected it. If I was CEO I could crush the competition.
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I agree with everyone's comments. SiriusXM bought Pandora in Feb 2019 and abandoned it. But the quality on SiriusXM is pretty lousy too. They don't seem to be much for quality. and thing about it... any reasonable company would have someone on here responding to us all. nothing.
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I've held on only for their ability to serve up music I want to hear on the stations, without having to specifically select individual songs, however I hear Apple's new service does this really well. I have Tidal as well for their unmatched quality (it sounds like the original CD and not altered) however pandora's genome (give you want to hear) technology is far better than Tidal's. But again I may try Apple as they've made recent changes that may give excellent quality and automatic music selection.
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New here are you? we've been shouting this for a couple of years now. Pandora doesn't care.
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I too am on Tidal now. like listening to CDs (and better). I can actually hear all of the sounds in the music again!
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I hear ya. AND... In February 2019, satellite radio giant SiriusXM announced it had completed the acquisition of Pandora in a $3.5 billion all-stock transaction. They probably don't give a **ahem** about Pandora anyhow. IT'S SINCE LOST OVER 10M USERS. I don't know the logistics of beaming music from 23,000 miles above the Earth but I can't say SiriusXM Satellite radio's quality is any better... probably worse than Pandora. I use Tidal for CD quality. the Pandora genome thing for choosing music to play is unmatched but the quality of "Master" quality is the best in my opinion.
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I totally agree however with the caveat that if the reason they can't/won't do it is the increase in overhead due to the increase in bandwidth necessary for high quality I'd be willing to pay a little extra for it. $5.99/mo or whatever.
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they need to offer Pandora HD and do raw CD quality, and charge $10 more for those of us who like QUALITY. I contacted management about this like a year ago and they sent me here to start a thread. Then the thread already existed so someone merged it. I even told them I didn't want any credit for it cause I was listening to better quality sound 35 YEARS AGO with CDs and there's a whole generation that has no clue about quality sound.. With MP3 drums sound like cardboard and the loss of quality in the other sounds is terrible. What can you do... they just dont care. Tidal is the best service I've found so far and I've compared to Apple, Amazon, Pandora, Spotify. the only drawdown is that NOTHING compares to Pandora's Genome technology to choose the best music for your stations, etc. If they'd offer CD quality it would be a game changer. Since Sirius XM bought them... its probably a side gig now.
... View more has the best quality in my opinion. (the master account) .. but Pandora's ability to choose music for the stations is unmatched. They could totally corner the market if they wanted to.. I just don't understand.
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