I want the current Windows App to have some features. 1) Of course, remember the Window Size... settings when it is closed and then then next time it is restarted. 2) Have as complete as useful on the mini-player window, e.g. 2.1) Control the Start/Stop, Next, Volume, Thumb Up/Down 2.2) Show the current song playing. 2.3) Have an Open/Close Medium-size window so that I can Toggle the Small (mini-player) and Medium-size window, and thus be able to either run the mini-playing functions or do the normal App functions. As I see it the Mini-payer window is not maintained? and is only an "obsolete" product, see:https://community.pandora.com/t5/Feature-Requests/Windows-10-app-doesn-t-remember-window-size/idc-p/52994#M4685 The shrinkage to the smallest possible window does not allow the window to be made as small as I would like it, and even at this size does not support the Volume function.
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