Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
0/0/0 | undefined | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
@AdamPandora Thanks for moving my post, but I don't think it really belongs on the out of place tracks. Rather, I noticed some significant difference in what is being played; not necessarily incorrect, but I'm getting many new songs on very well established stations. I'm trying to understand if there's been a change to the algorithm or approach that Pandora is taking. While many of them aren't thumbs up for me, they're arguably in the right genre for the station. Just previously I would get very few new songs and mostly songs I've already thumbed up; now, SO many songs are new songs.
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Did Something Change? Lots of "New" Music
I have a couple of channels that are well established (many years with many thumbed up/thumbed down songs). In the last day or couple of days, I've noticed that they are playing a lot of songs that have not been thumbed up or down and which I have not heard before. It includes many songs from artists that I've liked but not their well-known stuff as well as other artists I've never heard of before. Did the algorithm change or maybe Pandora has rights to a lot of music they didn't have before?
Speaking of rights, is there any list of songs that Pandora can't play? There's one song in particular that I've marked as an influence and liked every other song on the album as thumbs up which are played frequently. But there is one song on an album that has never played to my knowledge which is actually the one I want most.
Thanks and happy Thanksgiving to all (for those who celebrate)!
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