I have the same issue. Suddenly my Pandora does not start anymore in my suffle mode but in my first station. I found a little work around but it's but it's not the best solution and you need to write a batch file and is just tested in firefox: I don't have the code now but it's 3 lines of code. This is what it is doing 1. Start Pandora 2. Click the Shuffle button. You will see the browser URL changes. Copy that URL. 3. Write a batch file to start pandor like that: a. Start Pandora in Firefox b. Wait for 45 Seconds (for the case there is some comercial played) c. Start Pandora again in Firefox with the URL copied aboive from the Shuffle mode -> This will open a new pandora tab in Firefix, stops the music in the first tap automatically and then plays the suffled stations in the second tab. I can provide the three line of code later for the batch file if anyone is interested. I don't have it with me right now.
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