Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
8/26/2010 | FREE | 10 | 8 | 451 | 924 | 0 |
Agree with 'MimosaVendetta' Pandora this is way overdue: "Please, Pandora, for the love of employment! PLEASE get something in place so we can control the cover image for a playlist."
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Yes I agree "Three and a half years later, and this still isn't an option? C'mon Pandora, let us change our station art, pleeeeeeeaaaase?" Taking way too long. 😎😘
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Pandora, please make it much more customizable when adding our own artwork for our own stations! I just realized how to get rid of the colorless album art for my station by removing a track that had no album art and letting the next one in line replace my station artwork. Pretty dumb setup. We should be able to add a custom created image. It's much better for the users!
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