In March 2024, there appears to be no Help menu. 🙂 Still searching for an answer for this problem with songs stopping in the middle of nowhere. [EDIT: I just reread your post and saw the part about holding ALT to find the menu. [Why isn't that there by default??? This is the first I've seen anything about it. Beat your UI folks about the head with an ugly stick. Repeatedly!!! 😄 Thank you. That in itself is likely to be quite helpful. /EDIT] As well as to why the screen will go solid blue (like the old Windows crash screen!!! 🙂 and there's nothing to do but restart it and hope it works right again. Which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. What the ___ happened to the Pandora Windows app??? I recently came back to Pandora after a long absence. Back in the late '90s (I think), I loved it, particularly for learning new music that I might like.. I'm now _much_ less enamored. Problems like this where songs just stop in the middle of nowhere [which it JUST did -- AGAIN! -- as I'm typing this], not being able to skip around in a song (other than restarting it), and the paradigm shifting radically in a negative direction (when starting to play from a song, it no longer seems so match songs with similar characteristics but instead will give me more cultural(?) connectors. e.g., start w/ Fleetwood Mac's _Oh Well_ or _Black Magic Woman_; and the next thing you know, it's playing f***ing Foreigner or some other mid-'70s **ahem** that was on the air at the same time as the Buckingham/Nicks-era F.Mac, who have little similarity with the Peter Green era. ) My best guess at this point is that Pandora completely refocused to phone apps and the computer apps are an afterthought ported over from the phone apps. That's _extremely_ disappointing. I may switch to another service because of these issues. And I LOVED Pandora back then -- thought it was awesome! I want to like it again.
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