Hello - I am streaming my PANDORA via ALEXA in the evenings / night & Squeezebox Radio during the day. My primary player is called Squeezebox Touch. *I have to tell you, the inconsistent volume problem is not the player, not the artist, not instrumental verses voice, it is primarily when it was recorded. * I will use John Prine as an example, his earliest albums play soft compared to the latest stuff. It is across the board, all artists. So, If I listen to music from the 70's, it will be softer than the 80's and again, louder in the 90's to current. Here is the million dollar idea for you - add volume leveling to the premium PANDORA accounts and watch how many people like me upgrade. Otherwise I have no reason to upgrade. In fact, if it doesn't get fixed soon, I will move on to a new streaming service. I would hate to do that, I enjoy and have "fine tuned" many stations on PANDORA. Please follow up with me so that if it is possible I don't jump ship. Honestly, you guys have been making excuses about this for years, and I have had enough. If you cannot do it on your own, perhaps the people that control ALEXA could help? I have been with PANDORA since they took over LAUNCHCAST. Good Luck! Gary [last name]- LAUNCHCAST REFUGEE [Email]
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