So... EVERY NIGHT we thumbs down about 12 or more songs - the minimum is 3. They are generally in lots of 3 before it will finally get back to something tolerable. I'm not certain why this continues to happen but at this rate, my number of disliked songs should far outweigh the ones I do like (which there's about 600 of those). I don't listen to anything other than my thumbprint radio thru my Amazon echo... So I'm confused as to why it's picking so poorly on a daily basis. Today in the app, in my thumbprint radio, it was playing a song inspired by 0 of my thumbs-upped songs. How or why would this even happen? What would make it think that that's a good idea? I also noticed that there are some songs that I like that are thumbs-down, I'm guessing that's because we get frustrated with this process of poor song picks and when there's a lull after 3 or so duds and when the song intro is quiet, we just start thumbsing down. Has there been any progress into looking at this? It's been about 20 days, which means that we've thumbs downed well over 60 songs, probably more like 120 or more and likely thumbs-upped 0. This seems like me doing a lot of work instead of this service working for me. It's quite frustrating on a daily basis.
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