The date of your post is hopefully a coincidence... I have 4 squeezeboxes and all of them stopped playing Pandora in Nov. 2019. I've been going round and round with support and it boils down to 1) we stopped supporting Pandora years ago on squeezebox, 2) we didn't change anything in the Pandora code, 3) you're out of luck. I'm thinking that a cheap smartphone (WiFi only) paired with a fair bluetooth speaker might at least functionally replace the squeezebox(s). @ArtMurphy wrote: What internet radio for sale now (11-8-19) actually streams Pandora? I have two older Logitech interenet radios (Squeezebox and UE) which stream Pandora flawlessly but are no longer made. I need a third radio and just tried Grace Mondo internet radio but it will not stream Pandora. Returned it and am looking again. Suggestions? mod edit: changing title for clarity
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