Hello everyone I am not new to Pandora Radio, I actually think I have had an account for the lifetime of Pandora. Not sure if I have anything to add or not? Hope you all are doing well in life, I have a lot to say about things and I hope I don't offend anyone. I am not meaning too. And I will not change my thought pattern, unless you have a reasonable opinion, and the intelligence to teach me the way you think. I already have a significant other to tell me I am wrong, which she does pretty well. I am 62 years old and I am on disability, I spend my day working with my truck and trailer hauling stuff to the dump. Sometimes I get paid but most of the time it is voluntary and I am cool with that. I have my ad on Facebook, but I don't think it is set up to good. I welcome your comments about anything and I am not offended easily. My normal handle is grump but someone else has it so you can call me CareyD or grump. I drove a gasoline delivery truck for 22 years and I have been retired since 2013. I don't know if this is OK or what I need to do to make my posts readable
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