To be honest Alyssa, your answer, though informative, doesn't even answer the user's question. I don't know for sure, but it sure seems to me like the answer to zylstra's question is: (A) While playing your "MY STATION", on any currently playing song, you see the album cover, and below it the Song Title. To the right of the song title is the "3-dot" MORE menu (looks like • • • ), click it and a popup appears - click the bottom choice "WHY THIS SONG ?". If it's been catalogued by the Music Genome Project, it will display the music characteristics of that current song and why the algorithm selected it to fit the style of your Station. (B) CLICK on the Song Title and you will go to that song's detail page. You'll see the album cover and to its right "SONG CREDITS". You're looking for "FEATURES OF THIS SONG", under which you see the genome's list of styles and influences in this music. (*Depending on how wide you've dragged open your browser, you'll either see "Features of this Song" column displayed right underneath "Song Credits" — or it will be further to the right of "Song Credits" in a separate column.
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