I have several tvs. Samsung, vizio, sansui. It works on none of them. Up until a few weeks ago it worked on all of them. It's not a TV problem. and it's not an xfinity problem. When I open pandora there is no error message. It may or may not play one song or half a song before it freezes. Then the sound bar looks like its playing but there isn't any sound I can move the mouse around and click pass or dislike but the next song is the same. As you can see I am not the only one having this problem. So doubtful it is the tv or tvs in my case. It plays on any other platform. My computer, my phone, my alexa, my car. Unfortuntely my tv is where I use it the most. I like to leave it on for the animals when I leave the house.
Agree! I also pay!
I'm not calling xfinity their tech support is terrible. And I don't believe it's their problem. I'll just listen to music elsewhere if it comes to that.
Good to know. I didn't think it was an Xfinity problem..
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