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Hello, I've been waiting for a response for two weeks and still nothing. It's frustrating to struggle with the service that's supposed to help and provide answers! So I'm trying here, hoping to find responsive people.

My question is as follows: I'm in France and I would like to receive my royalties for my songs. How do I go about this? I've seen the site SoundExchange, but I need to provide a document called W-8BEN. Is this the correct document, and how do I fill it out? I'm asking for help to receive my rights, thank you.

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4 Replies

Opening Act
I actually really don't know what you're talking about in and I wouldn't
know how to go about it but you sound like a very sweet lady we can talk me
and you
0 Kudos


I don't understand your approach. Could you elaborate on the meaning of the message here? Thank you.

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Diamond in the Rough

For people in France, SoundExchange has reciprocal agreements with your local organizations ADAMI and SCPP.  Similarly, other US organizations have reciprocal agreements, so you can simply join your local French organizations and receive all your payments.  It may be a bit slower, like paid first to the US organizations (since Pandora is only in the US), then identified and transferred to reciprocal organizations.  You can also join US organizations directly, but it's unnecessary (the W8 for instance is generated on the SoundExchange site if you figure it out.)

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Opening Act
W8-BEN is a tax form. It's easy to fill out!
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