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Playback: End of year stats

Local Performer

Will there be a playback for 2023? I really enjoy seeing statistics from all of my listening and am jealous whenever my friends’ Spotify Wrappeds release. This has been a factor in determining wether I want to stick with pandora or not.

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82 Replies

Local Performer

You’re absolutely right!! I’ve had pandora for over a decade; and THAT is the sole purpose I have it. If they’re banking on users only staying because of invested curation, they’re sadly mistaken. 

Local Performer

I've been using Pandora for 13 years. I have thousands of songs and can't just switch to another app very easily, especially since the main thing I like Pandora for is constantly pushing new music based on my likes. I love the RNG aspect of it, I don't want to sit and listen to the same playlists all day long like most other apps do.

The fact you took away the statistics is frankly confusing. Playback was a cool feature, and it's not like it's hard to keep track of these stats. As others have mentioned it's also free marketing. The only thing that could even logically make sense is if you got in legal trouble for "copying" Spotify wrapped. Otherwise it's a win-win for both users and the platform.

A few years ago, you reset our stats, for no known reason. I had multiple stations with 3000-4000 hours listened accumulated over a decade, then all of a sudden my stats were reset around 2020 and now my most played is 700 hours. Why? Were you hacked? A reason was never given, just a boring PR response "our engineers are aware of the problem and are looking into it". Yeah well it's 3 years later and our stats are still wrong.

You're trying very hard to push away your longest and most loyal members, and I just can't fathom why. Is this done on purpose, do you want your platform to end? If so just be honest with us so we can move on.

Opening Act


Honestly I felt the same way. Basically a decade of playlists and thumbs up radio.

After waiting a month last year I switched to Spotify and their algorithm is very good for creating or recreating playlists. Similar to how you select an artist with Pandora and it generates a list, Spotify also has you picking songs in artists, but rather than generate the list for you, it will suggest songs that you should choose to add by clicking the plus next to them.

I was able to very easily recreate my current favorite playlists at the time, and and then was able to rebuild the others at my leisure.

My 2023 wrapped was fantastic in Spotify. Pandora used to generate a playlist of about 20 or so songs, whereas my 2023 playlist that was created as part of the wrapped process is almost 9 hours long. I particularly liked the pre-recorded Thank you videos from artists where you were thanked for being a top listener. They even give discounts to merch stores for being top listeners.

Local Performer

I too was really hoping to see a version of wrapped and it seems anll other platforms have one, and it would have been hilarious because I use Pandora in my massage studio. I started making the switch when the new wrapped came out this year and I think seeing that this isn’t returning for the year, along with not being able to equalize the volume between all the songs is going to be the end of my subscription with Pandora




Please give us our top artists, top songs, and listening time for each year please! Every year I inch more and more towards switching over to Spotify JUST for that feature alone. Plus the hype around the algorithms being a lot better and featuring more underground artists. 


-I might switch to Spotify for the year-in-review



a lot of Pandora users





im about to do the same 

0 Kudos


WELL SAID! I didnt even know it existed or else i wouldve been using it. Therefore they didnt advertise it very well in the past. Like you said, its *free* advertising for them.

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I also told myself the same thing last year lol. They got until the end of december!

0 Kudos


Why do we need to upvote another post for our feedback to matter? Are you not listening to us here? Stop giving us hoops to jump through and read the room a little. You need our support to stay afloat, not the other way around. Act like our money (if not us ourselves) matters to you.

Local Performer

When Pandora did have the feature, it didn't seem too useful because it didn't have track or artist data.  It just had which stations I listened to, which was mostly just one.  I'd be interested in seeing which songs and artist got the most plays.

I rarely use Spotify.  I like the channel I have been listening to on Pandora.  Apple Music now has a recap feature similar to Pandora, but I haven't listened a lot on there, though I do pay for that service.

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Local Performer

You people switching just for the reason you don't get a list of your past artists you listened to is so ridiculous how petty can you be

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Opening Act

Yeah how dare we keep paying the same price or more and receive fewer features.

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Local Performer

I am with Imadabtwrapped,

I will not renew my paid service if you do not bring this back.  I have been a Pandora user since 2009 too!  Started off using it when doing chores around the house, now in my car because XM **ahem** and repeats too often.    Spotify is offering me 3 free months right now, tell me why I shouldn't switch.


Opening Act


They won't bring it back. We went through this last year and I was exactly where you were. I went ahead and canceled my Pandora and took the 3 months of Spotify. I was hoping that enough of us would cancel that they would actually do something, but they did not. And here we are again. I'm only responding to this because it's still set up to send me notifications as this was created last year.

Spotify has been great these last 12 months, and I loved my end of year review.  It is not a big deal at all to recreate the playlists I had accumulated through 10 years of Pandora.

0 Kudos

Local Performer

I know pandora stopped doing wrapped but is there anyway I can veiw my stats?

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Local Performer

I've been a pandora user since 2016, premium user since I started driving for work 3 years ago. Now you can imagine all the hours I listen to pandora while driving and would think a end of the year review would be nice since I listen a lot. But no you've removed features that your listeners love, refuse to do a end of the year wrap up even though it doesn't take much. I never knew they discontinued it I was looking forward to it. I'm switching to Spotify in January when my premium runs out. You've been good old pal. But you really need to step it up so many of your listeners are switching, why aren't you caring about it?


Yes! For over 15 years Pandora Plus has been my daily friend - listening non-stop. 

Sadly, I cancelled my renewal today. After the next 11 days my time with Pandora will come to an end.

Spotify is offering 3 months premium for free and I've made the switch! It's a learning curve but going well so far!

Pandora people - employees - we love Pandora but you have to keep up with the dynamics of a changing market to keep your loyal fans and customers. We want to stay but when you neglect something, it learns to find a new home and comfort place, and I think that's happening with thousands of your customers this year. A sad goodbye from a loyal friend...

Local Performer
I’m also switching to Spotify. Said I would do it last year when Pandora
took it away but didn’t do it. Now I really wish I had. I’ve been using
pandora since I got my first iPod touch and never wanted to get rid of it
but this is the list ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. Absolutely no reason
to get rid of the playback because in the long run they’re LOSING money
because they’re losing listeners. Bye pandora, it’s been a pretty average
run. Not too sad to see ya go 👋
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Local Performer


We made a big deal about it last year and nothing happened. Pandora doesn't care if you leave. I'm looking for a good way to transfer all my playlists to Spotify.

Local Performer

I think I understand 

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