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Android: Artists lists gone with new phone

Local Performer

I just set up my new phone with Pandora. It doesn't look like my old phone. Things are missing like my albums, artist lists etc. I have never had a problem when transferring to a new phone in the past. What has changed?


mod edit: changed title for clarity

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3 Replies


Hi @WVN1955 

Welcome to community!

Are you still having trouble? I checked your account and see that you have made some recent changes. Were you able to retrieve your albums and artist list?

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

Yes the Pandora icon is gone and I can't even find it I can't even get Google to bring it up.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey, @Pioneerwoman. 👋

Sorry to hear you're having trouble locating the Pandora app.

  • First, let's make sure the app has been downloaded to your Android device.
  • You can check this by visiting this page.
  • If you see an Open option, that means the app is currently on your device. From here, you can tap Open to be redirected to the app.
  • Alternatively, you can return to your home screen, then tap the App Drawer icon. The Pandora app will be present within this collection.

Let me know how it goes. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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