We're having unexpected technical difficulties: this message is popping up when looking at the lyrics of alot of song on my account. I use this to learn songs for karaoke, weddings, etc and I have to leave the app, go to google, and copy from it. Need this "technical difficulty" fixed.
@Jwhaley32 I moved your post to the Android space to keep the community tidy.
I recommend running through the troubleshooting steps listed here.
Let me know if you continue to experience issues with this.
@Jwhaley32 Would it be possible to send us a screenshot of the error message you're seeing?
Thanks for the help with this!
@Jwhaley32 I moved your post to the Android space to keep the community tidy.
I recommend running through the troubleshooting steps listed here.
Let me know if you continue to experience issues with this.