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Android Auto: Using voice commands only displays track but doesn't start it

Local Performer

Android Auto is working when I use "Hey Google play songtitle", but it only displays the song. I then have to press play on the screen as it does not automatically start to play it. How do I get it to automatically play the song? It works everywhere else except on Android Auto.

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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7 Replies

Local Performer

As an update, this was initially connected wirelessly via by Motorola's MA1 Wireless Car Adapter for Andorid Auto. I have since tried this with a direct wired connection from my phone, and the issue remains. The song only plays once play is pressed on the screen.

Ideas anyone?

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Hi @Repro 

Thanks for posting and sorry for any trouble listening to Pandora with your Android Auto.

I see that you've reached out to our User Support team and it looks like you've gone through quite a few troubleshooting steps already. While I don't have any other suggestions to offer at this time, I'm happy to pass this along to our engineering team for further investigation.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

When do you anticipate you may hear back from the Engineering Team?

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Hi @Repro! Unfortunately, I don't have a timeline for a resolution but any updates I do receive I'll be sure to update within this thread.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

Tanner, any updates on this?

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Hi @Repro Thanks for checking. I reached out to our engineering team for an update. Unfortunately, they are having trouble replicate this experience on their end and are continuing to investigate.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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have the same problem, very anoying, defeats the use of voice commands, happens only with pandora, not with spotify

a solution please!!


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