I have the most recent update that is supposed to fix the issues. I noticed it improved a bit, but I had several issues on the way to take my daughter to school. This was after getting the most recent iphone update.
- Now Playing didn't automatically pop up. When I clicked it, I celebrated a bit too much. It was working. And then it wasn't. It would then say "There was a network connectivity issue".
- Another issue is that it would change songs and the bar would be moving as if the song is playing, but no sound. I had to manually close out the app on my phone twice to get it to play.
Music in my Jeep is my vice and I'm really upset that it stopped working like it did. I hope you all can fix it. I know it's a hard task, especially with so many variables.
I'm in a 2019 Grand Cherokee Laredo Altitude for my test settings.
Iphone 14 Pro - Updated to 18.1.1 or whatever released this week.
Also, I pay for the family plan with no ads
Moderator Edit: Merged posts + new title for clarity
Hi @Kadokshe
Welcome to community!
Since your experience is a bit different I've created a new thread for your post. Since you've done a recent update, and I don't have any troubleshooting steps that I believe would be helpful, I'm going to go ahead and pass along your experience to our engineering team.
Could you confirm if you're using wireless CarPlay or connecting with a USB? If you're using wireless CarPlay, could you try using a USB cord to see if you have the same experience.
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the follow up, @Kadokshe.
When you're able, can you please take a picture of the error message. I'd like to include it in my report. We'll be sure to post any updates we receive from engineering here, or follow up with any additional questions we may have.
Thanks for your patience!
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