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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

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307 Replies

@AlyssaPandora hope you had a great weekend dear friend, thank you for your support, have a great Monday, and a wonderful week ahead. Take care and stay safe.


Up & Coming Artist

Thanks MOH, another great post!  you take care also and stay well. 

Good Tuesday morning dear friend, 

So many of us have busy schedules, many of us are running around like a chicken 🐔 with it's head cut off (forgive me if my metaphor offends you). But do yourself a favor dear friend, stop, take a moment and write a note to your spouse, your child, your parent, tell them you love them, tell them you're thinking about them. Give them a positive inclination that you are thinking about them. Feeling loved is not nearly as great as knowing you are loved.

Have a great day friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Wednesday morning dear friend. Most of us have many friends, most of us have a friend or two that we share everything with, we have no secrets between us. We call them our bestes buddies, or simply put, best of friends. 

 Sometimes our best of friends, or friend goes through a hard, tough, and very difficult time. We will not always have the answers as to why they are going through such a stressful period, instead of trying to search for the answers, or explaining to them this is just a process we go through in life. Just be that quiet shoulder for them to lean upon, be that best friend that wipes away the tears without speaking, hold them, help them stand by showing them you are there for them. After all a "True Friend" is the rarest of all gems in this world, a gem that no dollar sign could match. 

Have a great day my friend, take care and stay safe.


Up & Coming Artist

You’re an artist with words my friend. Thanks for the beautiful words. 

Good Thursday morning dear friend, 

Work can be such a drag at times, but honestly we can determine the atmosphere in our work place. If you go into work with a negative attitude then your day is already doomed. You be that person that stands out, you be the one that walks in with that smile from ear to ear, you be the one who walks in with their shoulders square, and head up. You be that person who has the pep in your step. 

 Listen up dear friend, I learned a lesson long ago, having a good attitude, a positive attitude, and even a healthy attitude, must be done on purpose sometimes. So do yourself a favor, do it on purpose, because once you do by the time your day is over you will feel great. And when you go home you will also carry in that same positive vibe. 

Friend, listen up, it's a proven fact (one which you probably already know), how your attitude is at work, it will be carried over by the time you get back home. Your loved ones don't deserve that, do they? Of course not, and you don't deserve to be feeling that negative vibe either. So have yourself a great day, a wonderful day, a beautiful day, okay 👌

Take care dear friend, and stay safe. 


@joemd1960 thank you so very much for your support for this thread. I also thank you for your very kind words as well. Take care dear friend and stay safe.


Good Friday morning dear friend, how many times have you taken a sick day, a personal day, or a vacation day to play 9 or 18 holes? Well, how about you take that day and spend it with your family, or your spouse. Life is short, spend time with those who love you. 

Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend dear friend. Take care and stay safe.


Never become to proud to ask for help, sometimes one needs to have two heads to think through a difficult task. Or four arms that could save you from a very painful backache. 

Have a great Monday night, take care and stay safe. 


This one is for all the parents out there. Instead of allowing your son or daughter occupy their time by playing video games, or texting on their phones, you should seriously consider taking them for a long ride, or even a nice long walk through the park. Talk to them, see if they have a deep hurt that is hidden within themselves. Teenage suicide is a serious problem in this world (especially in this nation). My 2nd oldest brother Donnie committed suicide three years ago this coming October. None of us seen the signs of his hurt, or his depression. Even though he was an adult, it is the same with teens as well. We miss the signs. 

The only way through a dark heart is with love, compassion, and a sincere desire to help those who are hurting deeply. You will not ALWAYS see the signs. It is up to you to get them to open up. Be one of those parents that your kids will have no fear coming to you or confiding in you about anything and everything. Let them know that any secret they have will be safe with you. Buying them clothes, shoes, food, and keeping a roof over their head is a parents common responsibility. But talking to them (not at them) is a show of a parents love, and sincere desire to know who your children are as an individual. The more time you spend with them, the more you will know about them. And that my dear friend is true in any relationship. 

Have a great Tuesday dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


Up & Coming Artist

Very well said, and so very true. I am so sorry for your loss my friend. Take care, and stay well. 

Forgive my absence the past couple of days my friend, but it could not be helped.

There are many professions in this world who use ladders to help them accomplish their work. Just remember who was your ladder that helped you climb to the top. Because all who use ladders in their profession, they secure them at the end of each job to use on the next one. Always remember those who helped you climb.

Have a great weekend dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Good Monday morning dear friend, I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Before rushing off to work, or just rushing out into doing whatever it is you need to do. You should STOP 🛑. Make time to give your son (sons), your daughter (daughters), and your wife (wives), (Just teasing ladies), your husband. Make time to give them a hug 🤗 and a kiss, tell them this is your favorite routine from now on before you leave each day. You will feel so much better, as will they. When you show love, and care, you just made your home a better world for all who live in your world. 

Have a great Monday dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Up & Coming Artist

Good idea, and well said.  I have my routines each day and night for my girlfriend. It has made for a better relationship for us. And she feels loved and appreciated. As well as what she does for me, making me feel the same way. Have a great day friends 

 @joemd1960 good for you both, I am happy for you and your girlfriend that you have that in your relationship. Thanks @joemd1960 for your support in this post. 

Take care dear friend and stay safe. 


Good Tuesday morning dear friend, I do hope you had a great Monday, and I am hoping you have even a much better day today. 

Friend, let me ask you a question, have you been let down, put down, verbally abused? Well, let me tell you something that you may never have thought of or even considered. You my dear friend are unique, there is not another person on this earth that was born to be you. You are genuine, you are rare, and you were born to be something, and to make a difference in your life. Don't listen to the verbal attacks of others, you do matter, and you are extremely important in life. You are not a cheap copy of someone else, you are genuine. Now you get out there and prove all the naysayers, and doubters how truly wrong they are. Let your positive actions do all of the talking for you. 

Have a great Tuesday dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Wednesday morning dear friend, I do hope you had a great Tuesday.

How many times did we wish for a new day, or just a fresh start. Well, guess what my dear friend, today is that day. Brush off yesterday, leave it where it is, in the past. Today is a new day, embrace it. If you caused someone hurt or pain, then you go to them with a sincere heart ♥ and ask them to forgive you. Forgiveness is the first step for healing, if an individual or others will not forgive you, then forgive yourself, and move on. Wallowing in self pity or the past will just cause you to sink deeper. Learn from your mistake, don't allow your mistake to keep you from moving forward. You are a much better person than your mistake. 

Have a great Wednesday dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


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Community Manager

Thank you for your post today, @MOHLovesAlaska. Hope you're having a great week so far! ☀️

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@AlyssaPandora thank you dear friend for your support in this post. Have a great Thursday friend, take care and stay safe. 

0 Kudos

Good Thursday morning dear friend. 

Sometimes the greatest healing for the heart ♥, is to just let the relationship die. For one heart cannot go on living without the other. (

"ALL" relationships require sacrifice, complete devotion from both, and willing compromise from both. If only one individual is working to make the relationship work, then my dear friend it is you that will suffer the brokenheart. 

And to answer your question, yes! There is someone out there that will love you, and respect you. Someone who would be willing to work with you in the relationship. Chances are you will meet when you least expect it. 

Have a great Thursday friend, take care and stay safe.
