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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

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Good Friday morning dear friend, 

Actors as well as Actresses are paid to be someone they are not. For you and I it is our actions that will have a real impression on those who know and see us. The real question is, will we be known as an unknown unpaid actor or actress?

Dear friend, you are who you are, if you feel you need to go around all day and pretend to be someone you are not, then you really need to re-evaluate those who you are trying to impress. Be yourself, be genuine, because truth be told, your true colors will eventually shine forth. They always do. And always remember this true fact, there is always someone that loves and likes the real you. 

Have a great Friday, and a wonderful weekend dear friend. Take care and stay safe. 


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Happy Friday, @MOHLovesAlaska! 🎉

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Good Monday morning dear friend. I would love to share with you my great experience I had back in 2013 before the Freedom Tower was completed. But before I share that with you, I must go back thirteen months prior to that, back during the Superstorm Sandy of 2012. For all of us here on the eastern side of the Unite States how can we forget that storm. Long story short I had met my dear friends brother and his son Mark Jr. (last name not given). I had met them because of my tree cutting experience, and the fact that a huge Red Oak had fallen on Mark Sr's house from Sandy's fury.

Mark Jr. is unique, and a true hero. Mark Jr. is a 9/11/01 survivor, he worked for the N.Y Port Authority Police during that time. He shared with me some of those horrific events that happened on that fateful day, at least as much as he could until he could no longer. Mark Jr. lost his partner that day, his partner that was also his best friend. This part of the story ends here. 

Mark Jr. and I became very good friends, we spent hours talking, joking, and just sharing our life experiences with one another. It was one of the greatest moments of my life. Well, Mark offered to take Bob (Mark Jr's Uncle, my friend) and I on a tour through N.Y. City. The only time I spent in N.Y. before that is when I was being shipped out to go to Army basic training, then coming home from the service. But I never stepped foot out in the streets of the city. So we went through the Bronx, Manhattan, and then before we could go over to Brooklyn, he had to cut our tour off because of his work. But before I left he promised to pickup where we left off. Thirteen months later is where we picked up, Mark called his Uncle Bob and told him to bring me to Hoboken N.J. and meet us at the park next to the Hudson River. Once meeting Jr. there he told us he would be taking us on a tour in and around the Freedom Tower, and to get there we were taking a subway over. Needless to say, I was excited, I have never been on a subway 🚉 before. The experience was awesome. Once we arrived at the Freedom Tower we were standing outside next to this long supply line that was waiting for the service elevator, they were taking supplies to the construction workers on the 105th floor, the very top. I happened to look to my left and I seen Jr. talking to a construction guy wearing a white helmet who was looking directly at me, I didn't give it much thought at that moment, not until he told the other workers they had to make room for us three on the next supply trip up. That is when I realized our trip up was going to be on the service elevator, the service elevator is on the OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING. Allow me to let you in on a little secret, this boy right here is AFRAID OF HEIGHTS, okay. It is a caged service elevator, caged is see through. So I spoke to Mark Jr. and advised him of this problem of mine, and all he said was "You did not drive three hours down here to chicken 🐔 out now, did you?" So, yeah, you guessed it, I got in stood next to the backside closest to the building, it was the longest 12 minutes of my life. On the way up, my throat became dry as a desert, the palms of my hands were wet from sweat 😰 and I was as silent as a lion stalking it's prey. 

After reaching the top floor we walked across some planks that joined the elevator to the building, I just about ran across them. But man, oh man, what a spectacular view, breath taking. I even stood next to the sphere and took a picture looking up at it. I also seen some of the construction workers that were hanging over the side of the building, that freaked me out as well. Then I happened to see a view that made me forget where I was for a few moments, I was looking straight down into the Twin Towers Memorial, it was truly heartbreaking, all I could think about were those poor innocent people who were trapped inside those buildings, it brought tears to my eyes. Then I started to appreciate the beautiful view of that Memorial, it represented those who were taken that day. 

I have said all of that to bring this point across, what would I have missed out on had I given in to my FEAR of heights? For one, I would not have felt that great feeling of defeating my fear, which is undescribable by the way. The pictures I would never have taken, the view of the Hudson River and the surrounding areas of the other boroughs, the Brooklyn Bridge, I would have missed it all. And of course my time with Mark Jr. and Bob. 

Don't miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime or an opportunity to face something new because of fear. Don't allow fear to defeat you, you defeat it. And remember this as well, not all fear is bad, only the fear that keeps you from moving forward is bad. 

Have a great Monday dear friend, take care and stay safe.


P.S. I almost forgot to mention, since conquering my fear of heights, my brother Jason and I have gone rock climbing several times. And will be doing so again very soon. I owe Mark Jr. a great deal for helping overcome that fear. 


Up & Coming Artist

Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful experience! Take care 

Good Tuesday morning dear friend, I sincerely hope you had a great Monday, and it is my great desire you have a wonderful day today. 

Today I am going to ask you to give a small donation to your local American Red Cross , or to a charity of your choice. Be an encouragement to those in great need. As a fellow American, you see the devastation in other parts of our Nation. The wildfires, the devastating floods, the extreme record heat. I myself have several different charities that I give to on a regular basis. I'm not asking you to do something that I myself would not do. Sometimes our best act of encouragement, is showing our fellow man compassion. So please, would you seriously consider doing this small act of love, and compassion. Even if it is only $5.00, it is something, and doing something is a whole lot better than doing nothing. 

Have a great Tuesday dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


Diamond in the Rough

And please do not step in wet cement.  (believe me, I know)

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Good Wednesday morning dear friend, today I leave you with a very simple question. A question that perhaps is the answer the world needs. Reflect on it today.

To love someone who hates, to love someone who does not love you. For what love is greater? To love someone who loves you, or to love someone in need of love? 

Have a great day my friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Thursday morning dear friend, 

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. (John Quincy Adams) 

But not just a leader, but a leader that cares, and a leader that loves to see others succeed. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe. 


Good Friday afternoon dear friend, 

Children are this world's future, how you rear and raise them now will determine what kind of future you will have at retirement. 

Have a great weekend dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Diamond in the Rough

As Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young sang: Teach Your Children well. 🎤

@grapevinerep great advice, great song. Take care and stay safe. 

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Diamond in the Rough

Love that that. Thank you for the encouragement I appreciate you 

@Ricky101 thank you for you, and for your support in this post. Take care and stay safe.

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Diamond in the Rough

Dear brothers and sisters 

When trouble comes you way consider it an opportunity for great joy

James 1:2

Local Performer
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Good Sunday morning dear friend. 

"Sometimes when you're in a dark place you've think you been buried, but actually you've been planted." (Christine Caine)

When you go through trials, tribulations, you find yourself in a very dark and lonely place. These stages in life are not meant to harm, or destroy you, they are meant to strengthen you, build you, and prepare you for the next stage in your life. Don't ever quit, don't ever give in to despair, and never let go of hope. Because if you do you will miss out on the most beautiful promotion in the next stage of your life. I know I'm not in your shoes, but I know what it is like to be in a very dark place. The greatest fact about storms is that they have a beginning, but they also have an ending. You know how I know, because I'm here encouraging you to move forward. The tears you shed will dry, your pain will become painless, your sorrow will turn to laughter, your loneliness will cease. Don't quit dear friend, don't quit.

Have a great Sunday, and a great week. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 


Local Performer


 my baby is growing in my wife stomach SO SO EXCITED 😆

@castorenajoseph congratulations 🎊 on the future addition to your family 👪, may you have a beautiful healthy family. Take care and stay safe. 

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Local Performer
Thank you

Local Performer

Peace with in