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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

275 Replies

Good Tuesday afternoon dear friend. 

Scars are the covering of what once caused us pain, they are there to remind us how much stronger we are today than we were then. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and GOD bless...


Good evening, dear friend, I do hope your Monday has been wonderful. 

Dear friend, not every hardship, every heartbreak, or the setback that life throws at you will have the right answer as to why. Why now, why me? Searching for answers will seem endless, and searching for emotional relief will always seem to elude you, making it feel like the whole world has come against you. Friend when this happens, or if it is you right now then please know you are not alone. Many others have walked that same path and have come out on the other side stronger than they could have ever imagined. You just need to continue taking one step at a time and one breath at a time before you know it you will come to the end of that nightmare that was meant to break you. Instead of breaking you, it has shaped you into a better, wiser, and much stronger you. Just keep pushing forward my friend.

Have a great night, take care and GOD bless...



Good Sunday afternoon dear friend, we are nearly two weeks beyond Valentine's Day, and about a month and a half before Mother's Day...But for you men out there have you considered taking your beautiful wife, partner, or girlfriend to the best florist shop in your neck of the woods and bringing her up to the counter and then asking the Florist "How much for this beautiful rose"? My point in case you missed it is this, she should always be your favorite whatever favorite flower she loves...Love what she loves and love her more...Imagine the love you get in return...

P.S. And for you shallow-minded fellas out there, "NO" I'm not about the physical part of love...It is much deeper than that...

Have a great day and a very blessed week...Take care and GOD bless...


On the Rise

Good advice, thanks.

Good Tuesday afternoon dear friend...Hopefully, this will be an encouragement for someone who is struggling with unforgiveness...Something that I have struggled with for over half my life...

Dear friend, unforgiveness forces us into a prison of animosity, regret, anger, and hate, and it will also bring us to a point in our lives where we become so enraged that we start to think about ways to avenge the wrong that was inflicted upon us...All that will do is cause further damage to ourselves and not to the ones who have hurt us as well as wronged us... My dear friend the only road to recovery, to full healing, is to just let it go and forgive the one, or the ones who have wronged you, who have hurt you, believe me when I say that in the short term, it will not feel so great... But over time you will notice a big difference and dramatic change in your emotions. The feelings of hate, anger, and animosity will completely disappear... No, my dear friend, we will never forget what was done, but we will be able to cope with it and live with it in a very peaceful way that will no longer hold us prisoner to those negative feelings that we had once held onto... My dear friend please forgive those who have wronged, and hurt you... Start living free...

Take care and GOD bless...


On the Rise


Good Thursday afternoon dear friend...

Cell phones have become an obsession for billions of people throughout the world...Texting, calling, face chat, face time, whatever else one can do with a cell phone today...But sometimes the best option is face-to-face time...Perhaps you have a family member or a very close friend who needs some encouragement, some uplifting, some good advice to help them through a tough stretch...Instead of texting, calling, or FaceTiming them why not just take the time and go to them in person...Being there in person will mean the world to them...And perhaps that is all that needs to be done because that in itself says more than any words could ever say...

Take care dear friend and GOD bless...



I agree, @MOHLovesAlaska!

Nothing beats spending actual quality time with the ones you love.

Thanks for sharing.  

@AdamPandora you're welcome dear friend, and thank you for your great support as always...Take care and GOD bless my friend...


Good Friday afternoon dear friend...

  My dear friend as you know spring has not yet sprung...But if you enjoy concerts and music festivals now is the time to start purchasing those tickets...If you are a subscriber to ticket agencies like myself then you have already been getting concert info in your email inboxes...My dear friend do yourself a favor as well as your family start planning an all-out family day or two and go to a concert or music festival...Believe me when I say you will not regret it...My two daughters still talk about the concert that I took them to over a year and a half ago...We are planning another outing to a concert later this year...You will greatly improve your family bond...And if you don't have a family of your own then make plans with your siblings or your best friend...Some of the greatest memories you'll have in life are going to music festivals and concerts...The greatest memories I want my family to have are the ones that they have including me and not without me...I don't live with them but that doesn't mean I can't be just as important to them whether I'm there or not there...

Have a great day and a blessed weekend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday afternoon dear friend...

I know going through hardships, trials, and suffering a broken heart, believe me, I know it is something you would not wish upon your worst enemy...One thing that I do know about going through these phases that feels like you're going through hell itself, the one thing that I did do was try to encourage someone else as I was suffering through these phases. I know!! Believe me, I know you don't feel like talking to anyone, being around anyone, or listening to the advice of others...But it helped me to forget (just for a brief moment) about my sufferings as I was trying to help someone else who was going through something very similar...Dear friend, that brief moment of relief was like heaven for that short time...So why not try it for yourself and you'll know what I'm saying now is true...Go and encourage someone else that you know who may be going through what you are, or worse...Help yourself to forget your woes even though it is a brief moment of forgetting...

Take care dear friend...and GOD bless...



❤️ that's amazing 

Good Thursday afternoon dear friend...

Dear friend, did you know that one of the greatest factors that causes people to fail is pride, pridefulness, or very pride? Friend it had taken me years on this life's journey to figure that out when I needed help. I just never asked, I would always try to find the solution my "WAY", it always had to be me to get it done, it always had to be my solution to every problem I have ever faced, no matter if it was financial, emotional, or physical. If it was my problem then it was my way of finding a solution without interference from others...You see friend, that is prideful, full of pridefulness...I have had friends as well as family members waiting as well as willing to offer me a leg-up, or a helping hand...not asking anything in return except for perhaps gratitude of course...My dear friend, please don't make that same mistake that I made...When you need a helping hand or a leg-up don't be too prideful to ask for it, or accept it when it is offered...The stress you will save yourself from suffering is beyond comprehension...

Have a great day friend...Take care and GOD bless...



Good Friday morning dear friend, 

   Yes!! It is Friday the doorstep into the weekend...Perhaps you have already made plans for tonight through the weekend...Well, how about just altering those plans just for one night... On your way home stop by a Pizza shop or Bakery and buy pizza dough and all of the ingredients you would love to have on a pizza...Go home and have you and your family make a homemade pizza and have a night in with pizza and movies no cell phones, no laptops, tablets, or computers...Just a family night of making homemade pizza and movies...Oh...and forget about how BIG of a mess you will can be cleaned...This is about family time, family bonding, and making feel-good memories of the time you share with family...Because there is one thing that I do know already...Those missed opportunities will come back to haunt you...

Have a wonderful Friday...and a blessed weekend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Monday morning dear friend...

When your child approaches you, or a family member, or even a close friend...When they require your undivided attention please do them the courtesy of powering off your cell phone...Dear friend, they are seeking your attention because of the love and respect they have for you...They are also seeking your attention because they trust what you have to say to them will be what they need to hear from you...So please give them the utmost respect they deserve by confiding in you...

Have a wonderful blessed day my friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Thursday morning dear friend...

If you've got something to say, just come out and say it!!! How many times have we heard that my friend?? Well, allow me to add to that if you will...

Dear friend that statement carries weight...It also holds truth to this fact...Keeping or holding things within until they fester so bad they boil over until you blow up...That my dear friend is not healthy for you or the relationship you are in... When an offense occurs do not allow it to carry over or stay hidden immediately deal with it before it becomes a major issue further down the road...If you face an issue while it's newborn then it will be so much easier to deal with...Many relationships have come to an abrupt end because problems or offenses were not dealt with when they first occurred, they were put on the back burner and just sat there simmering until more problems and offenses were added until finally, it came to a boiling point...Don't allow that to happen...Deal with it right as it happens so it is much more manageable as well as easier to solve...

Parents you need to do the same with your children...Communication is key to maintaining a healthy relationship between child and parents...Feelings need to be respected...Although parents should always have the rule of the home respect for feelings should always be exercised by both parents and the child...Talk and work out your problems and offenses as they occur you'll be glad you did...

Have a blessed day my friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Friday afternoon dear friend...I hope you are having a blessed day thus far...

Go someplace you have never been but always wanted to...It is a feeling of exuberance that your mind, soul, body, and every emotion of your inner being needs...So go make it happen...Life will still be here when you come back...

Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend...Take care and GOD bless...


Long overdue...Good Tuesday morning dear friend...

Going out of your way to help someone may be the help you need for yourself...Well! How can that be you may ask??? My dear friend, I make this observation from my own life experiences...Sometimes you find the answers you seek when helping others in their time of need...Especially when you go out of your way to do so...

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for the words of encouragement today, @MOHLovesAlaska! Hope you're having a nice start to your week. ☀️

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora good evening dear friend...You are welcome...Thank you as always for your support and friendly replies...And yes!! I'm having a great start to this new week...Thank you for asking...I hope you are as well...

Take care and GOD bless...

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