i love ariana Grande music she is my favorite singer in the whole world.
mod edit: changed title for clarity
@capitini I have a few of her songs in my personal Playlist. She really is a great music artist. I hope we will see more of you here in Pandoras community. You take care and stay safe.
I like Ariana Grande as well. She's on a couple of my stations. But my favorite artist is the king of Chill Music, Jack Johnson.
cool so far
One of my fav songs from her is 7 Rings
cool mine is positons
hi im cristiana im a huge fan of Ariana Grande
Thx for the like
im on a pc what buttons do i press to take a screenshot?
You just press the button I circled in this picture
it may look different for you idk but this may help
@Alphagirl i dont have that button on my pc