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Daily Bible Verse

Up & Coming Artist

Hi so I get a daily Bible verse on my Bible app everyday and I thought I would share it with you guys so this is the verse.

Dear children don't talk about love.Put your love into action.Then it will truly be love.

              1 John 3:18 NIRV 

So those who don't really understand it it's basically means don't talk about how much you love people and then you don't show love and the last part of it it is basically meaning show love to everyone around you. But ya I hope this might help someone. If you like the verse just put #loveeveryone






138 Replies

Chart Topper

@Alphagirl I love it. People in your life need to know you love and appreciate them. What we do with our love in action speaks louder than our words.

@Alphagirl great post, I love it. One thing is for certain we all can do a better job exercising this verse. It is something the World leaders are needing in their life as well. Too much hate is being exercised in this world today. I'm looking forward to this post becoming a daily post by you. Thanks for posting this, great job. You take care and stay safe. 


Not applicable

I love it so much thank you


Up & Coming Artist

Your welcome

Up & Coming Artist

Happy Thursday! So I'm doing a daily Bible verse and today's is a long one but today's Bible verse is.


Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God. Believe in me also. There are many rooms in my father's house.if this were not true, would I have told you that I'm going there? Would I have told you that I would prepare a place for you there? If I go and do that,I will come back. And take you to be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.

John 14:1-4 NIRV 

So what I think this verse means to me is that don't worry God knows your path and story and at the end he's preparing a place for you and for everyone. Well I hope this may help someone today. Have a great day bye 👋🏻

Chart Topper

Great passage of scripture to share with everyone.

@Alphagirl I will happily trade my tiny living home in for a mansion. 

Love today's passage. Take care and stay safe. 


Up & Coming Artist

Thank you btw I may not be able to get Saturdays in cause I'm doing something called fine arts

@Alphagirl that's ok, it is pretty quiet here in the Pandora community on the weekends. I'm busy pretty much every weekend, and once spring and the warm weather coming I will be very busy with my landscaping work. I will still post here in the community just not nearly as much. 

Love the posts you have created here in the Pandora community, it is really great to have increased interaction with others, and making new friends is always a big plus. This is one reason I love Pandora, it is very friendly and warm welcoming. Very happy to make your acquaintance. Take care Sj and stay safe.  


Chart Topper

@Alphagirl Yeah the weekends here in the community is pretty dead. I don't post anything on the weekend unless someone posts an introduction then I'll come and greet them. Otherwise I'm not really in here on theweekends.

Up & Coming Artist

Hi so here's today's verse sorry if I can't give you one tomorrow


Put on all God's armor.Then you can remain strong devil's evil plans.

Ephesians 6:11 NIRV 


So it basically means don't let other tell you that he's not real and stop believing so stay strong and remember he is with you. And I'm just going to say this most people leave the church because they were treated wrong and they stop believing all at once and it repeats so be nice and share the love of God love others like God loves you.


Not applicable

I like it too

Up & Coming Artist

Sorry I also missed Sundays Bible verse I was getting sleep cause I woke up really early Saturday for something called fine arts but happy Monday here's the verse for today. 

Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters.   (Colossians 3:23 NIRV) 


What I think these verse means is work hard at loving everyone around you and work hard on telling people about God. Well that's it for today bye ✌🏻

Chart Topper

@Alphagirl Thanks for the post.

@Alphagirl hey, where are the quotes from scripture for yesterday, and now today's? @Alphagirl you cannot leave us hanging like that, you best get with the program sister. You dig!!. Lol... just teasing.

Take care and stay safe.



Up & Coming Artist

Hey sorry I haven't been active I was in the hospital and I didn't have my phone so ya but here's today's verse. 


Those whose hearts understand what is right get knowledge. That's because the ears of those who are wise listen for it. Proverbs 18:15 NIRV 

What I think this verse means is we get are knowledge from God and we can use the knowledge and this part may sound a little werid but I think we need to listen for those who need God look for those who need him and use the knowledge you have to tell them well I'm gonna go bye ✌🏻


@Alphagirl is everything alright? I hope it is not anything serious, you take care and stay safe 🙏


Up & Coming Artist

I'm ok I guess but not the best sorry I can't get the verse on today I'm gonna have to start doing it once a week

@Alphagirl once a week is just fine, actually anytime that is at your convenience would be fine. I do like the posts that you have created, they are generating great responses from the community. Take care Sj and stay safe. 
