As an Enigma fan/in love with their music since their beginning, I was appalled and angered seeing a music critic’s critical size up of their 3rd album by some **Ahem** who clearly doesn’t like the album , doesn’t offer a neutral summation of the effort, and even goes so far as calling lyrics “Childish” (!!!). How can we/I get this inaccurate rating of a great album removed please? The artist’s integrity of their work and artist deserves better. Thank you
Moderator edit: edited title for clarity
@WildWanderer12 I myself like Enigma's music, it is a complete shame about the criticism they received. One thing is for certain, critics are never happy unless they can stir up the pot. You take care and stay safe.
@MOHLovesAlaskaThank you for your comment affirming that Enigma’s music is valued by you as well and recognizing this music critic is bent on drawing attention to his over-inflated ego posting a negative review of Enigma 3. Of all their albums its my favorite and Ive litterally listened to it a couple hundred times. While I did finally get contacted by Pandora support on the matter Im not convinced the review is going to be taken down. You have a good winter and stay healthy! ✌️ ~WildWanderer12
@WildWanderer12 , you have a great winter as well. Take care and stay safe.
P.S Winter is my favorite time of year.
Be safe..