How are you doing today?
How is everyone doing today? I want to wish everyone a happy new year and I hope that everyone is having a good day. I know I am because I am back in school and I am doing great this year I got almost straight A s.
Hi @braidenchapman I'm doing great! Thanks for asking.
Congrats on your straight A's! Hope you have a great rest of your weak and a wonderful 2025.
How is everyone doing today?
I am doing great this morning because I am in school and I am doing really well in it.
You spelled my name wrong but I am doing well and I hope you get through your struggles I would help if I could.
Hi, @braidenchapman. 👋
Looks like you created a new thread. To keep everything organized, I moved your post over to your existing thread here: How are you doing?
Doing well this morning despite it being really cold outside today. Hope everyone has a great day! ☀️
I do like helping people with whatever I can. I honestly hope that it does get warmer so I can go outside after school.
Hey 👋🏾! Congratulations on crushing it in school! 🎉
We at SRP are doing great as well!
if you listen to music while studying.. take a ride on Hashim Jalal Radio
Super chill music to vibe to! Specific search Post Meridiem (pm)/BlackOut
Thanks I might check that out. On the other hand how is everyone doing this morning? I know I am doing great because I am back in school and am doing great. I have also been playing basketball and the YMCA and I am doing really well. I also want to thank everyone for sharing how their day is going with me.
first off is this ok. Because I am just trying to help the people that I care about and I care about everyone on this chat. I just want to help everyone I can. If anyone needs to talk to anyone I am here and I will help the best I can with anything.
Hey guys whatcha doing
@braidenchapman I'm doing great because I serve a great GOD whose mercies fail not and are renewed every day... And congrats on getting A's in school, wishing you the best in all that you do...
Take care friend, and GOD bless...
Hey, guys how is everyone doing this morning? I am doing well because I have a lot of good things going on, and I might be getting baptized very soon. I am taking the path of God because I am looking to be the best Braiden that I can be.
Hi and goodmorning
Hi, @braidenchapman. 👋
Nice to hear that you're doing well and have some exciting things happening in your life. My day is off to a great start so far despite the very cold weather -- it's freezing! ❄️
It's inspiring to see your focus on becoming the best version of yourself. Wishing you all the best as you continue on your path!
Hey, @RavenRainWebber. 👋
Good morning ☀️
I moved your post from the Introduce Yourself thread to this one to keep everything organized.
Hope you're having a nice start to your day!
Hi and thank you I hope you are too
Hi... Braidenchampman
Hey guys and good morning
what are y'all listening to?