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Inspiring Quotes

Chart Topper

Every day I get inspiring quotes sent to my e-mail. I decided to start sharing the quotes daily with my Pandora community.


"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." - Alice Walker

Alice Walker is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer with more than 30 literary works...including "The Color Purple".

I hope this daily post will inspire someone. I'll post again tomorrow. Peace! ✌



If you like the quotes give me some love with a Thumbs Up. Thanks!

158 Replies

Chart Topper

Good Monday morning to you all. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Success is the process itself." - Matt Damon 

This is a good quote. There have been times in my life that I was working towards a goal that didn't get accomplished. However, the process of "trying" to work towards a goal was better than doing nothing.

Anyway, I hope you have a great day and I'll see you again tomorrow. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Tuesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"It's only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis." Margaret Bonnano 

This is a good quote. We have to work on our "happily ever after" daily. Sometimes we have to make our own paths of happiness. Anyway, I hope you have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Wednesday afternoon to you all. I hope your day has been good so far. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"You can't shake hands with a clenched fist." - Indira Gandhi 

Indira Gandhi is the only female who has been Prime Minister of India.

This is a true a very cool quote and can be applied to virtually any conflict. Anyway, I hope you have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Thursday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"We are stronger when we listen, and smarter when we share." Queen Rania Al-Abdullah 

Queen Rania has served as the queen of Jordan for more than 20 years. 

I really like today's quote. I hope everyone has an awesome day. Peace! ✌️


Chart Topper

Good Friday afternoon to you all. The weekend is finally upon us. Yay! Anyway, here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Falsehood is so easy, truth so difficult." George Elliott 

I don't know if I agree with this quote. I am a truthful person. But I think maybe I get what she's saying here. Perhaps if the word "sometimes" came before "falsehood" I could agree with it. 

Well, I hope you have an awesome weekend. I'll share again Monday. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Monday morning to you all. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play." Jane Goodall 

I agree completely with today's quote. I hope you all enjoy it. Have a great day. Peace! ✌️

@UncleBud it lines up exactly what it says in Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;" 

For all of you out there that think you don't matter or you don't have a purpose, well you do. Even GOD says you do, for it is HE that says HE knew you before you were even formed. Don't ever listen to those who put you down or try to crush your self-esteem. You matter you are here at this time in your life to fulfill a purpose to make a difference in this cycle of life. You are a piece of a puzzle that will someday come to complete completion. 

Think about the lives of all of those who lived before you and me, Washington, Lincoln, Colombus, The Wright Brothers, and Henry Ford, they were all a piece of a puzzle that made a great difference even today in our lives. So seek out your purpose and see what may come of it. You never know how it could impact the lives of those after you are gone. Even Danny Thomas, who many of you don't know was the founder of St. Judes Children Hospital. Just look at the impact his life had and even continues to have today in the lives of so many children and families. 

Take care and stay safe. 

P.S @UncleBud you just never know who you may help by posting some encouraging truths that someone may need to read. Great post. 


Chart Topper

"Good Tuesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"At the end of the day, you are enough exactly as you are." - Meghan Markle 

It's important that see our own self-worth and that we don't try to measure ourselves against another. This seems to go along with yesterday's quote also. I agree with what @MOHLovesAlaska said in response to yesterday's quote. 

Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Thursday morning to you all. One more day until the weekend. Yay! Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"If the risk is fully aligned with your purpose and mission, then it's worth considering." - Peter Diamandis 

That's a good quote today. Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Friday morning to you all. The weekend is finally here. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:

"As we move on with our lives we will come across many people but only few will remain with us." Syed Badiuzzaman 

I really like today's quote. I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. Peace! ✌️


Chart Topper

Good Monday morning to you all. I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Joy is that kind of happiness that does not depend on what happens." David Steindl-Rast 

I like this quote. I hope today goes well for you all. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Tuesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:

"If you hit a wrong note, it's the next note that you play that determines if it's good or bad." Miles Davis 

I think this quote has a lot more to do with life than just music. We all make mistakes in life. It's what we do after the mistake that really counts. 

Anyway, I hope you have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️


Chart Topper

Good Wednesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Art is the one place we all turn to for solace." Carrie Mae Weems 

I hope you all have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

@UncleBud I love art, and I love watching Jerry Yarnell, he comes on direct TV once a week. He also has an art school in Oklahoma, Jerry Yarnell School of fine arts 🎨. Here is a painting I recently acquired, it is on canvas. 



The artist name is J. Newton.

Take care and stay safe. 


Chart Topper

@MOHLovesAlaska That's an awesome painting. I really enjoy art. I'm no artist but I enjoy seeing the work of others.

Chart Topper

Good Thursday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"What you think about day and night forms your character and personality." Masami Saionji

I hope you all have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Friday morning to you all. The weekend is finally here again. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:

"Learning never exhausts the mind." Leonardo da Vinci

This is an awesome quote. We should never stop learning. Learning isn't just for school. We adults need to keep learning.

Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome weekend. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Monday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Only love can heal the wounds of the past." Bell Hooks 

I really like today's quote. I hope everyone has an awesome day. Take a moment today to reflect on those members of the US Armed Forces who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Peace! ✌️


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for sharing today's quote, @UncleBud

I agree, today we must pause and remember our country's fallen service members. Their courage and sacrifice in order to protect us and our country. Thank you for the reminder. 

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Chart Topper

Good Tuesday afternoon to you all. I hope your day has been good so far. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you." David Foster Wallace 

I like today's quote. The Bible says something similar to that. Anyway, I hope you have an awesome day today. Peace! ✌️