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Inspiring Quotes

Chart Topper

Every day I get inspiring quotes sent to my e-mail. I decided to start sharing the quotes daily with my Pandora community.


"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." - Alice Walker

Alice Walker is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer with more than 30 literary works...including "The Color Purple".

I hope this daily post will inspire someone. I'll post again tomorrow. Peace! ✌



If you like the quotes give me some love with a Thumbs Up. Thanks!

158 Replies

Chart Topper

Good Wednesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us." Marsha P. Johnson 

Well, I hope you all have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Thursday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Life is made of ever so many partings welded together." Charles Dickens 

I hope you have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Friday morning to you all. The weekend is finally here again. YAY! Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Love the people that love you, bless and let go of the rest. It truly is that simple." Roseann Phaneuf

This is a great quote and I hope it helps someone. Anyway, I hope you have an awesome weekend. Peace! ✌️

Community Manager
Community Manager

Love today's inspirational quote, @UncleBud.

Thank you for sharing, and hope you have a nice weekend! 😎

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Chart Topper

Good Monday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Everybody who is honest is interesting." Stefan Sagmeister

I agree with today's quote. There's too much dishonesty in our world today. When you meet an honest man or woman, cherish that friendship. Anyway, I hope you have an awesome day today. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Tuesday afternoon! I hope everyone had had a good day so far. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Adopt the pace of nature: Her secret is patience." Ralph Waldo Emerson 

What a cool statement. I like it. More patience in this world would be great. Hope you have a great evening. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Wednesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It's all funny." Joan Rivers 

I really thought Joan Rivers was a queen of comedy. I like this quote. Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Community Manager
Community Manager

@UncleBud Thanks for the quote today. Joan Rivers was funny and very authentic. Hope you have a great day! 😎

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Chart Topper

Good Thursday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage: it can be delightful." George Bernard Shaw 

Indeed life can be a challenge from time to time, but if we remember in the tough times that things WILL get better then we'll be better off. Life IS delightful at times. 

Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Friday morning to you all. We've made it to another weekend. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." Judy Garland

Ms. Judy Garland had some awesome advice with that quote above.  I fully agree. 

Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome weekend. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Monday afternoon to you all. I hope your Monday has been good so far. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Pay attention to what you pay attention to." Amy Krouse Rosenthal 

This is actually very good advice I think. Anyway, I hope the rest of your day goes well. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Tuesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, and in inverse proportion to my expectations." Michael J. Fox

I hope you all have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for today's quote, @UncleBud! Hope you have an awesome day. 🌻

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Chart Topper

Good Wednesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"A novel worth reading is an education of the heart." Susan Sontag

I really like today's quote. Reading a good book is good for the mind and soul. Anyway, I hope you all have a great day! Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Thursday afternoon to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"There's not a word yet for old friends who've just met." Paul Williams 

Well I hope you all have an amazing day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Friday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." T.S. Eliot

I have to say, this just might be my favorite quote that I've shared to date. Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome weekend. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Monday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"How very little can be done under the spirit of fear." Florence Nightingale 

This is a great quote. I hope everyone enjoys it. I also hope you all have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Tuesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty." John Keats 

I hope you all enjoy today's quote. Have a great day. Peace! ✌️


Chart Topper

Good Wednesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote: 

"Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind." Taylor Swift 

This quote is SO true. Anyway, I hope you all have a great day. Peace! ✌️

Community Manager
Community Manager

Love today's quote! @UncleBud Thank you for sharing. 🌻

Alyssa | Community Manager
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