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Inspiring Quotes

Chart Topper

Every day I get inspiring quotes sent to my e-mail. I decided to start sharing the quotes daily with my Pandora community.


"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." - Alice Walker

Alice Walker is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer with more than 30 literary works...including "The Color Purple".

I hope this daily post will inspire someone. I'll post again tomorrow. Peace! ✌



If you like the quotes give me some love with a Thumbs Up. Thanks!

158 Replies

Chart Topper

Good morning to you all. Today's quote was from Mark Twain but since he's considered controversial I am using Sunday's quote instead. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:


"You can't do your job and be afraid." - Meryl Steep


Streep has 3 Oscars and 21 nominations, the most of any performer ever. Here, the acclaimed actress advocates for making decisions based on your insight and instincts, and not letting fear derail the work.


I hope everyone enjoys today's quote. I hope this Tuesday will be an awesome day for you. Peace! ✌

Opening Act

full house.jpg

full house yeah

Chart Topper

Good Monday morning to you all. Sorry I was missing from the community for a few days. I dropped my phone in water last week and had to wait until Friday to get another phone. Anyway, all is well now and here's today's Inspiring Quote:


"You have to have confidence in your vision or else no one else will trust in it." - Mary Katrantzou


For Greek fashion designer whose unique take on textures, prints and silhouettes in women's clothing earned her international acclaim at a young age, confidence is the key to success.


I hope this quote is helpful to someone. Have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Diamond in the Rough

Cry and let loose the cats of war.

Diamond in the Rough

I wanted to be a lumberjack jumping tree to tree.

@Mwallspecial I worked 10 years as a logger, and it is by far the best occupation I have ever known, working in the woods in nature in the elements it is by far the greatest experience I have had in my life. Even the animals come within 30 yards of you because of them being curious of what you're doing. 

Take care and stay safe. 


Chart Topper

Good Tuesday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:


"Time is everything; time is quality." - Javier Bardem


Our most valuable and fleeing resource in life is time, something well understood by celebrated Spanish actor Bardem.


I hope everyone enjoys today's quote. Also I hope everyone has an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Wednesday morning to you all. I hope all is well today. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:


"The avant-garde spirit is not just a youthful sentiment - I live my life by it." - Yohji Yamamoto

Award-winning Japanese fashion designer Yamamoto had always favored the nontraditional.


Well have an awesome day. Peace! ✌️

Chart Topper

Good Thursday afternoon to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:


"Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning." - William Arthur Ward 


Ward (1921-1994) was a motivational writer. Since Ward first wrote about curiosity, science had quantified it's benefits in new and fascinating ways. One such study indicated that when we are curious, changes in our brain prepare us to learn not only the information we originally sought out, but also incidental information we might encounter along the way.


I like today's quote and hope everyone else will enjoy it as well. Peace! ✌️




Chart Topper

Good Friday morning to you all! I really like today's Inspiring Quote:


"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage." - Dale Carnegie


Specializing in self-improvement and interpersonal skills, American writer and lecturer Dale Carnegie talked often about the power of action. 


Yes! I really like today's quote. If there's something in our life we would like to change, doing nothing will bring no change. Any small step on your part to enact change gives you the courage to take additional steps for change. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend. I'll share again on Monday. Peace! ✌️


Chart Topper

My apologies for missing the last couple of days. Anyway, here's today's Inspiring Quote:


"Find your style and stick to it." - Manolo Blahnik


I've never been one who cared much about styles. I just wear what I like. I guess THAT'S my style. I hope everyone enjoys today's quote.

Chart Topper

Good Friday morning to you all. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:


"The cause of Freedom and the cause of Peace are bound together." - Leon Blum 


Blum was the first Jewish prime minister of France elected in 1936.


I hope everyone enjoys today's quote. I hope you all have an awesome weekend. I'll post again on Monday. Peace! ✌️



A great quote. This can also be found in the New Testament, our Lord says if I make you free, you shall be free indeed, He also says "My Peace I give unto you". In other words, He says with Me you shall have both. Thanks for posting this @UncleBud  this is a great post you have created. I have come across some good ones myself, I will private message you to see if you would be interested in posting them here on your post. Have a great Friday, take care, and stay safe. 



Chart Topper

@MOHLovesAlaska Thanks for the support. Feel free to send me some quotes. I'm happy to have options when posting here. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @UncleBud. 👋

I missed reading these quotes while I was away. Thanks for sharing these and inspiring other community members! Have a great weekend. :pandora:

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Chart Topper

@AlyssaPandora Thank you! I hope you have an awesome weekend as well.

Chart Topper

Good Monday afternoon to you all. I hope y'all had a great weekend. Here's today's Inspiring Quote:


"The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have." - Sheryl Sandberg 


Facebook executive Sandberg says there is nothing more valuable to an organization than when the people is positions of power can humble themselves enough to listen, learn, and digest new information.


I hope everyone enjoys today's quote. I also hope you all have a great day. Peace! ✌️

Community Manager
Community Manager

Absolutely! Leaders are lifelong learners, as are those who are most successful.

Thanks for sharing this quote today, @UncleBud. 👍

Alyssa | Community Manager
Let's talk music in Community Chat
Share yours here: Q: What song fits your mood today?
Check out new tunes this week:New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)

Chart Topper

@AlyssaPandora I agree. You know, some quotes I share, I like more than others. I really liked today's quote. I wish more political leaders would get this advice and our 2 parties would learn and work together. But I definitely don't want to get into a political discussion. 

Chart Topper

Good Tuesday afternoon! Today I got my quotes from a different site that @MOHLovesAlaska recommended to me. It's It's quotes from regular people. I've chosen a humorous quote for today.


"Age is just a number. Yes it is, a number of wrinkles and grey hair." - Sharon Kemp 


I thought a humorous quote might be a nice change. I smiled when I read it. I hope everyone enjoys it and I also hope everyone has an awesome day. Peace! ✌️