Welcome to the Pandora Community! Whether you've been a long-time Pandora listener or are new to our platform, we'd like to take the time to welcome you to the Pandora family!
We'd also like to take this time to hear from you! Share a picture of yourself below (if you feel comfortable doing so) and add the following so we have a better understanding of who you are:
We hope to hear from many of you and hope that your Pandora Community experience is a memorable one. 🎧
hoo-raa for animeHMMM?
@ConnieCastillo , @Fixx74 Welcome Connie and Stephen to the community. I hope you'll check out some of the other posts here.
@binLaurence311. Usaamah, I am a peace loving person who believes we should love everyone. I welcome everyone and I believe diversity is what makes this world interesting. The event I think you're talking about is the Jason Andean concert tonight. I think it's at 9 tonight.
I can't forget Nirvana. I love Nirvana;)
Richard, Anaheim, CA, listening to mitos! do what is right no matter the cost
Welcome to the Pandora Community, @Rarechiga83!
@Rarechiga83 Richard welcome to the community. I hope we'll see you commenting on some of the other posts here. Peace! ✌
Hi. My name is James. I’m 40 and I’m from Evansville, IN.Honestly, music has stayed current and relates to the moment, for me. I can’t say that I really listen to anything that’s really more than 3 hrs old. Mainly my genres consists anything electronic to skilled lyricists. And the lyrics have something that I either can relate to, or fueled by a positive vibe. Isn’t music great. Personally, music is my scripture. My inspiration for my creativity. It’s my inspiration to help me maintain my the way I live my life. It helps me meditate in solitude. It assists in boosting my confidence, keeping me on point in social settings. Most importantly it maintains my sanity and my grasp on reality. My current music with lyrics is hip hop that’s positive. I guess the proper name would be woke rap. And when I’m meditating or working on my creative process. I don’t like any opinion, except my own. So that’s where trap comes in first for me, currently. What is my favorite thing about Pandora? F@&?, everything. It meets all my wants and needs. As far as music and beatz are concerned. Thank you, PANDORA! Oh, what am I listening to at this moment is “mountains and moleshills” by Flux Pavilion feat. Turin Brakes (kill the noise and bro safari remix). Stay Woke y’all. Remember, smiles are contagious. And they are healthy and beneficial. So please share.
@UrbanKnight Hi James! Thanks for your post. Music is very important to me too. Pop and country are the 2 main genres I listen to but I like variety and listen to other music. As a matter of fact I'm chilling to Worldbeat Radio right now. It's mostly instrumental...lot of guitar 🎸 music. I even sleep with my music on. I keep Pandora playing most of the time when I'm in my house. When I'm driving I take Pandora with me. Anyway,I hope we'll see you commenting on some of the other posts here. Peace! ✌
Dennis Dunn
Beloit WI
Car Radio
@Mwallspecial Hi Dennis welcome to the community. I hope you'll check out some of the other posts here. Peace! ✌
Join me on Rap Fame!
Hey! You gotta download this app Rap Fame real quick. There's some really cool stuff on here. My profile is @jessicachurchill
Jessica Miller adding new music daily
Moderator Edit: Link sharing
Hello Pandora. I'm Darrel from Oklahoma. I grew up in Norman, so obviously I'm a born and bred Sooners fan! I enjoy various types of music, but I'm a bit of an "old coot". Rap and hip-hop aren't on the list of what I listen to. I'm not judgmental. It just doesn't hit my hot button. I grew up in the 60's, so I enjoy lite rock, easy listening, 60's-70's rock, and what the heck. Even some old Glen Miller, etc. for background. I'm not much into country & western (unheard of from an Okie, right?) I've been part of Pandora for a fair number of years, but I just recently upgraded to the premium package, with the military discount, Thanks for that discount Pandora!
Rock On!
True blue okie girl... nice to see others on here
@olemisfit Welcome to the community Darrel. What branch of the military did you serve in? I'm a former Navy boy myself. Thanks for your service. I hope we'll see you commenting on some of the other posts here. Peace!✌
@Suge Hi Gina! Hope you had a great Christmas. Hope you'll have a fun but safe New Year.
Rock on! Or - rock on in ten characters or more. Rules!
Hey Gena.
Howdy UncleBud
Thanks to you for your service as well. I was Air Force. Vietnam era with 2 tours in Southeast Asia during that thing. My dad was navy. He was on PT boats during WW2. Hope you have a healthy and happy 2022. 😎
Thank you... you as well
Right on and of course rock on