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New song suggestions


i really get sick of the same music and i would like to have some new songs i listen to any kind jazz blues rock hip hop rap pop you name it but not metal im not able to hear it or it will drive me crazy if you could tell me it would be greatly appreciated

7 Replies

@bakubro  in your Pandora search bar type 2021 music, you may be amazed at the new music you find. I hope this helps. Take care and stay safe. 



wow i love the music thank you so much and take care and stay safe aswell


Local Performer

Maybe try expanding into foreign versions of the genres you love listening to. You never know what treasures you may find. For example, I'm a pretty big fan of rock/hard rock/metal (among other genres). A couple of years ago I came across a really great all female Japanese hard rock band by the name of BAND-MAID. They may not be everyone's cup of tea (but honestly, what group is?) but there music is really well produced and catchy. I highly recommend checking them out. 

Not applicable

I'm actually one of those people who doesn't get tired of listing to the same music over and over again. I never shuffle my music or change anything. And sometimes it's hard for me to find something new to listen to. But the solution to my problem is that I listen to the radio. I'm always surfing through stations and that's how I find new music. if not that way I get music recommendations from friends to check out. 

I do have a  playlist you can check out and these songs u may like I'm not sure but I hope you enjoy them 

Here is a playlist of songs that I've discovered. 

Not applicable

i listen to kpop and jpop and music in different languages so I may like this band - band maid. ill check them out 

@robgoblin thanks for the suggestion, I will check them out. If you have any favorites from this band then, please request your favorites at the GSOTD post and I will add them to the playlist, I will also make mention of you for the post. Thanks again, take care and stay safe. 
