Did anyone else get their year in review?
How do we see it?
@Adry_Tafoya12 It was emailed to me. Iโm signed up for Pandora notifications through email and also push.
How do I view my pandora recap/ end of year stats?
It popped up when I opened the app today, but I accidentally backed out of it before I was done reviewing it and now I can't find it. It was not emailed to me.
I have the same issue ๐ฅ
It appeared for a few seconds when I opened the app and it was never to be found again ๐ต massive thumbs down to the dev team
I'm so sad I missed it ๐ญ
I saw mine but now I can't see it again ๐ฅฒ I've been looking for the past 30 minutes on how to get it back
How do I retrieve the 2024 Pandora Playback? Is there a way to have it emailed to me?
I got mine as a pop-up when I opened the app also. It's vanished now and I would like to find it again! I was honestly excited to see it. It seemed pretty simple, but that just means they have room to grow. I hope if there's a good reaponse that next year will be more indepth!
I opted in to notifications a few days ago after I saw a teaser on the community page that there is going to be a Pandora Playback 2024. I haven't received my Playback yet, not an email or a popup on the app. I'm going to be very upset if I missed the window because I didn't turn on notifications in time. The way the devs are rolling this out is annoying and frustrating. I've been a paid Pandora subscriber for 14 years, a Premium member for 4. This should just be a feature of the app/account, and not something you have to opt into, and definitely not something you can only view once and never again. I don't understand why Pandora doesn't take the year-end summary more seriously. It is FREE ADVERTISING, and puts them on a competitive level with Spotify and the rest. It's like Pandora is actively trying to go out of business.
@JessicaJane525, lol. I agree. I feel like Pandora needs to can their entire software division from the director on down and start fresh. It's such a great platform, so poorly executed.
The most egregious example is the gap of silence that is inserted between songs when listening to an album. Songs that should flow seamlessly from one into the next are starkly interrupted. I know Amazon and Spotify both do this correctly, but the Pandora complaint on the matter has been open for YEARS and no change. That's going to be what sends me a packing.
2024 Playback - Another round of "are you kidding me?"
Open my app today, and see we get a year in review again! AWESOME. They listened! They finally listened!
EXCEPT. Once you close the pop-up, it's gone forever. Confirmed on FB messenger.
Why, oh why. Would. They limit this to one view? Not to mention, no way to share it.
It was cool for literally one second and now, I guess I'll have to wait another year, if they decide to bring it back.
Pandora. Seriously. Do better. This isn't that hard.
SOOOOO we FINALLY get Pandora Playback back but THEN you guys decide to only allow us one quick view and we can't even share it? Look I have been a dedicated Pandora listener for over a decade but this just makes me sad. Literally no one likes Pandora anymore but I've already invested way too much to go to a different subscriber. Even though, i really should switch cause the Playback made listening worth it. Just really depressed.
Yeah mine popped up in the middle of trying to do something else and I accidentally tapped out of it so now I guess I just don't get one lol
Same: Tapped past it and now can't access it. Thanks, I guess? But... ultimately a disappointment. Maybe a link to get to it again would be great?
Hey everyone ๐
We appreciate you sharing your experience.
Once Playback is dismissed in-app, it cannot be viewed again. If you have opted into notifications from Pandora, you may have received a copy of your Playback in your email. ๐ฌ
In the meantime, the moderation team has shared your feedback with the appropriate teams for consideration in future projects.
So... only the app even had the option? What about a web browser user? I mean, I use both, but the browser does seem to be the red-headed step child in terms of support.
Disappointing stance on this, regardless.