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Thomas Rhett Curated Mode on Today's Country


So this morning Saturday 5/1/2021 I was sent an email from Pandora that Thomas Rhett Hosts The Listening Room on Today's Country. N when I clicked on listen now button while being already logged in, I got an error message basically that this could not be found.   I searched Pandora and could not find Today's Country.  Or The listing room, would like help.   I'm not knew to Pandora but don't stream it much because of problems like this. 


mod edit: changed title for clarity

3 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @Paddler4x. ๐Ÿ‘‹

Thanks so much for letting us know about this. I'm happy to help. ๐Ÿ‘

The Listening Room is a curated mode on the Thomas Rhett station. If you create a station based on that artist or launch the Today's Country Radio station, you can switch over to "The Listening Room" which is a new curated mode. I've included screenshots from my Pandora Desktop app below:

From the Today's Country Radio station:

Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 9.01.03 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 8.58.36 AM.png

From the Thomas Rhett Radio Station:

Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 8.48.29 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-05-03 at 8.48.40 AM.png

Hope this information is helpful. ๐ŸŽง

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Hello Alyssa,

Thanks for taking the time and providing such great helpful information, the screen shots certainly helped, I appreciate you doing that and want to let you know that the time you spent was not wasted - I am listening to the listening room now following one of the ways to reach the listening room hosted by Thomas Rhett you provided ๐Ÿ˜Š

One of the problems, actually the first one I ran into this past Saturday after receiving the email from Pandora with the subject title "It's a Thomas Rhett Takeover!"  was I got an error message when I clicked on the Listen Now button.  I was already logged into Pandora on my cell phone via T-Mobile Tuesdays app that gives me ad-free weekends for the next year.  I then also tried from my laptop by logging into then clicking on listen now button again from the email that should have taken me right to the listening room, I was under the impression was what was broadcasting on Todays Country, which at the time did not know there were different programs under it, like Thomas Rhett Radio Station and The listening Room. No matter the method I tried on Saturday via the email, all I was getting was page not found. 

I was able to find Todays Country that I was listening to via my cell phone that was plugged into a jack connected to my stereo system but after I watched the initial commercial at the beginning from T-Mobile, instead of being ad-free, I kept hearing ads, mostly from Taco Bell.   I reported this to Pandora Tech Support, a case was opened, was sent a personal email that I replied to providing answers to the questions they asked, but never heard back after that.  Back to the listening room....

I thought The Listening Room hosted by Thomas Rhett, first time tuning into it, was a program that was airing only this past Saturday; I know that is not the case since I'm listening to it now from my laptop that is now connected to my home stereo instead of my phone.  So is this program basically a podcast that I can replay anytime or is it a program that changes hosted again by Rhett or other artists?  Sorry if this seems basic that I should know but although I have had a Pandora free account for sometime, it took the ad-free weekends, something I have yet to experience, to give Pandora another try, not just on weekends but during the week that I have also been streaming via my Amazon Echo and FireTV devices using Amazon Alexa, I just haven't gotten many of the voice commands down to navigate around Pandora and will admit also just doing so on the website, but am learning regularly. 



Community Manager
Community Manager

@Paddler4x I appreciate you letting us know about the error with the email. I'll be sure to share this with the appropriate party on your behalf. 

As far as the T-Mobile Tuesdays ad-free weekend, we do have this existing thread in case this issue pops up again: Still getting ads with T-Mobile Ad Free Weekend - Hopefully, there are no additional issues this upcoming weekend. I will check in with our Support team to make sure someone gets back to you. 

For "The Listening Room" this is a curated mode on Today's Country where you'll hear songs picked by Thomas Rhett. There is another fun mode on that station called "Hottest Country Hits" which are songs picked by the curators of Pandora Country. The answer to your question is no, this isn't a podcast. If you hear a message prior to the next song while in this mode, you should be able to replay the message if you want to hear it again during your current listening session. However, you will hear some artist messaging from Thomas Rhett when in "The Listening Room" mode.

I have checked out this station as well, and he shares some feedback about why he chooses certain songs for this specific mode. 


If you need assistance with voice commands for your devices. I'd be happy to share some more information. In the meantime, this is a good place to start: Pandora + Alexa Voice Commands 

I hope you're enjoying the tunes, and this new mode featuring Thomas Rhett! ๐ŸŽง


Alyssa | Community Manager
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