I seem to also have this issue. I was thinking this might have to do with ads since this seems to be consistently happening every few songs or so. I have a subscription and I am just speculating here but I was thinking that its a place holder for ads and nothing is playing because of the subscription.
Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity
Hi @Plip! Welcome to community. 👋
Can you tell me a little more about your experience?
I am using Pandora on my desktop computer using Chrome on Windows 11. I don't think a pandora version applies in this scenario.
Thank you for the follow up.
Hi @Plip!
Thanks for the details. I moved your message over to our Desktop board and started a new thread since the other thread was for users having trouble in their car.
Can you tell me a little more about your experience. You mention that the track ends but then the song continues to play. Does the song just repeat itself until you click to move to the next song or does it eventually move on to the song?
You also mentioned this happening on Chrome. To check if this is a browser-related issue, could you try to open Pandora in a separate browser, such as Firefox.
In the meantime, I've enabled a trace on your account to help investigate. For the trace to be useful I'd like to ask that you run through some Chrome troubleshooting steps.