Not able to share My List with my sister with my upgraded family membership.
She can't access it!
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
I now have no sound output!
@marthakeatsgall Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening?
What list are you trying to share?
Are you unable to share a specific song or station?
You also mentioned you have no sound output - are you listening to Pandora on a computer or on a device?
Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝
Hi Paul.
Thank you so much for replying. Answers to you questions:
1. Mac desktop accessing your website using safari.
2. O
3. There's no error message BUT the odd thing is that when I sign in whatever is up on the website is playing with volume perfectly clear then as soon as I click on My Thumbs Up silence. If I go to another "album" silence. I can see the particular song with the jiggling up and down lights, so I know that it is playing...just no volume.
I've tried turning off and restarting my computer and trying different volume control features but it still the same......There's sound when I first log on but as soon as I open my collections/selections.....silence.
4. Sorry...The instruction are too complicated for me to follow....
Thank you so much for any help you can provide!
Thanks for following up, @marthakeatsgall.
On top of issues with sound, you also mentioned you were having trouble sharing content with your sister.
What list are you trying to share?
Are you unable to share a specific song or station?
Let me know exactly what you are running into issues with.
Hello Adam,
My sister was able, from her account on my Pandora Family subscription, to access advise and is now listening to my list which is titled MY THUMBS UP. However I continue not to be able to have any sound except right when I log In and Pandora launches. The music that it is playing before I select from my personal collection/lists is without any sound whatsoever.
Can you help me? I'm wondering if this problem has to do with my expanding my subscription to the Premium Family Plan?
Thanks a bundle,
@marthakeatsgall Thanks for clarifying that with me.
I moved your post over to the Desktop space since it sounds like the issues you are having with sound is specific to your computer.
I recommend running through the following troubleshooting steps: Safari Troubleshooting
Let me know how it goes.
I have the same issue. I'm using Safari on my MacBook. The track plays sound for the first 10 seconds then nothing, but the track still counts forward on the time. I tried using Chrome and it works fine. No error messages on either browser.
Hi there, @maestrohc. 👋
Sorry to hear that you're having trouble streaming Pandora on your Safari browser.
Are you using Safari Version 15.0?
You can find this by going to your toolbar then clicking: Safari > About Safari
Also, have you noticed any error messages when this happens? If so, what exactly does it say?
I’ve enabled a trace on your Pandora account to help us better understand what’s happening., and in case we need to share this with our engineering team. For this trace to be useful, we’ll need you to run through our troubleshooting steps here: Safari Troubleshooting
Let me know how it goes. 🎧