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Can you please add the ability to upload a photo directly to Pandora. I do not have a Facebook account and suspect that users may want to have a different pix in Facebook/Pandora/Gmail etc.
I really want to be able to upload my own pfp without logging in with FB. I have an fb account but I can't login at school and there is no point in logging in to fb just to have a pfp uploaded. ❤️ this so it can be added!
Pandora...I pay for premium service, please provide premium options. Irregardless of that, having the ability to upload a picture without a fb account is a very basic function. Let's get our act together!! Thanks!
Love Pandora would not touch FB with a ten foot mouse.... totally agree with needing a way to take care of your customers without having a FB account. So many companies seem to be on a mission to force/coerce/entice/extort/strongarm/drive/and basically bully people into social media platforms. I don't care much about having my profile picture on Pandora but it grinds my cookies when companies "assume" that everyone is on FB.