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Ideas: Add song year of release on Now Playing screen

Ideas: Add song year of release on Now Playing screen

Local Performer
0 Kudos
Status: Open Ideas

I've seen earlier posts that had strong support for including a song's release date/year on the Now Playing page along with song title, artist and album title.  I realize that you can navigate to the artisit's profile page and (usually) find the release year listed in the Top Albums section, but that's a tedious extra step. Those album lists are usually incomplete and aren't even in chronological order. A proper discography, including songwriting credits, band members, etc., would be a great addition to the profile page, which I read and enjoy frequently.  I also love having the lyrics right there.  But one thing at a time, and if I want to know something more than a year of release there's always Wikipedia.

However, a song's release date is important information, even essential, for many music lovers.  It provides context for the song and listener.  I would love to have that info instantly available with a simple glance at an updated Now Playing page.  As it is now, the only time a year is listed by a song is when it appears on a remastered version, with only the reissue date.  That's useful information for sure but the significant date for any song is its year of release.

The present app format for listing song title, artist and album title is awkward and not user-friendly.  It could be upgraded by listing the basic song info more prominently on the page and easier to read at a glance.  A larger font would be a good start (the Tune Your Station links are more prominent than the song info), but another problem is that the song title is on a horizontal scroll with only 15 characters appearing at once, needing more than a quick glance at a TV or laptop from across the room when I hear something and want to know who it is.

Under the tiny scrolling song title is an even tinier line of about 25 available characters to list both the artist and album title which is not nearly enough space, and many album titles are cut off and incomplete, Sometimes not even the artist's name fits completely.  You can navigate to the artist's profile page for more complete information on what's playing but isn't that the purpose of having a Now Playing page? 

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

Labels (1)
Status changed to: Open Ideas
Local Performer

Could not agree more.  I have also made this suggestion in the past....but still no changes.  The release date is FAR more important than the songs remastered date.  Come on Pandora...let's make this change already!!!