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Ideas: Crossfade / Gapless Audio Playback

Ideas: Crossfade / Gapless Audio Playback

Status: Open Ideas

Is there a way to blend one song into the next so that there is no dead silence between tracks?

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

Labels (2)
Opening Act

This thread was opened in 2019 so that means it was already an issue for a long time before that.

Local Performer

I guess I'll just heap my feedback on top of all the other feedback...

As a loyal Pandora user since at the very least 2007 I agree with many other people that Pandora is superior to other options when it comes to stations. 

The lack of gapless playback, which every other music player and service seems to have overcome, with a notable exception of Pandora, is somewhat heartbreaking. As a premium subscriber for many years now it **ahem** that I still can't listen to an album where the tracks were meant to bump together without hearing a jarring space while the next track starts. Even imperfect matching would be preferable to seconds of silence in the middle of listening to The Wall.

Really it's my only complaint about Pandora. I'll probably keep supporting you guys anyway but it's frustrating that this has been a desired feature for so long with no feedback.