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Ideas: Explicit Filter For Album Art

Ideas: Explicit Filter For Album Art

Status: Open Ideas

I seem to have the knack of having a co-worker come up behind me when NSFW cover art is displayed and now my office is threatening to block Pandora. Is there a way to turn off cover art or at least hide NSFW cover art?

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

Labels (1)
Status changed to: Open Ideas

@IcanCwhatUsay I moved your post to the Feature Requests space as this is not currently a feature.

Thanks for your suggestion! 

Local Performer

Can I second this idea?  I won't allow my daughter to search for music on the Apple TV app because the first album that shows up under popular music is an image of a naked woman.  Thanks!

Local Performer

Agreed.  Once I find a music app that will allow me to remove all album artwork, or only allow the list view, I will sign up my family for that app. 

Local Performer

Its dumb that we cant turn off cover art...  there are many artists that I like but I don't necessarily want their cover art showing on my phone at all times and sometimes I don't even like the cover art that they have... possibly even offending to me.. Get with the program Pandora! Geesh!


Local Performer

Please get us a cover filter.

Can't show some album covers at work

Local Performer
I agree - we stream pandora at work and there are a lot of album covers that aren't appropriate.
Local Performer

+1 I have to thumbs down music I like because of the album art at work and around my kids. Would be nice to have the option to hide album art for some albums.

Local Performer

I think this is a great idea.  If I can't filter NSFW covers then I want a way to not display them at all.

Local Performer

I would like the ability to turn album art off. I don't listen to explicit lyrics and some of the album art is explicit IMO. I have children in my home I would rather then not see some of the stuff displayed. Thank you for your kind consideration to this matter. 

Local Performer

I would like the ability to turn album art off. I don't listen to explicit lyrics and some of the album art is explicit IMO. I have children in my home I would rather then not see some of the stuff displayed. Thank you for your kind consideration to this matter.