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It would be great to have a history of all of the songs that have been played on my Pandora profile page- much in the way all of my YouTube history is available for me to view (and even edit).
I, too, cannot find my listening history as I've seen in the past. I want to know the name of a song's composer I heard last night. Some have requested the same desire to see their listening history, but Pandora has not responded to this issue. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance.
Can we please get a feature that allows us to see our listening history? Not just for the time we just spent listening. I want to be able to go back and see what I listened to day ago for a song I heard in my car and loved, but didn't give a thumbs up while I was driving. I have a blip of a song I heard and liked stuck in my head, but I can not find it via search to save my life. I'm not asking you to carry media files, but at least an available data list of what I have listened to. Even if it expires 30 days from date of playing. This has been requested so many timesby your users. So many other platforms offer this, even free ones and I'm paying for a premium account and can only see my "recently played." Does not seem fair.
With so many requests for this feature to become available (or come back, as some have mentioned) Pandora should just fix it! This is now 2022 ~ not 2002!!!
It would be great to have features where I can see my resent songs so I can print it. Today I heard all my favorites songs and it would be great to have a record of them without writing each one down, so I can create a playlist of them.
I wonder. What good is all this discussion within the Pandora Community if management within Pandora turns a deaf ear and refuses to do anything to work to find a solution to these issues and loyal client requests? As subscribing customers what else can we do?