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I sometimes forget that I have a song already in a playlist and when I add a song already in my playlist it will duplicate it and not let me know its already in a specific playlist I am choosing to add it.
Can we expedite this feature? It's been over a year since this got suggested, but still no implementation. Doesn't seem like it would be hard to implement either, speaking from a coding point of view, and it would add much needed functionality, decrease frustration and prevent user-abandonment
Can you make it so you can't duplicate songs on a playlist? For instance when I try to add a song to playlist, and the song is already on that playlist, a message pops up saying this song is already there and doesn't add it again to the playlist. Seems obvious... But it's difficult to remember what songs are on there. Thanks
This post was made in 2019, I just subscribed to Pandora and I realized this is still not a feature. Please make this happen - it's absolutely crucial to remove/prevent duplicates. YouTube music and Spotify both take care of this quite easily.
Could not agree more...so disappointed that I cannot prevent duplicates on playlists when adding them from the website. I can do from my iPhone app, but not from the web. Makes zero sense. Come on Pandora...
This is literally the only feature that I feel the product is lacking. I mean, something simple to be able to remove duplicates with a button would work too.
It's been 2 years, I could write it myself if you have an api or something.