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Ideas: Play music on launch - on/off toggle

Ideas: Play music on launch - on/off toggle

Opening Act
Status: Closed Ideas

I'm on premium. Anyway to open pandora without it starting music? sometimes i just want to open it and browse a bit before i select something. Seems to happen on every application (web/android/auto)

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

Labels (1)

+1 - I regularly have to open the web version to make edits while the desktop app is running. It's supremely annoying to have it play each station automatically as you move around the web version...or to get the "Someone else is listening" error.

Local Performer

This is something that has bugged me forever but would certainly prefer to exist as an option. I always have to fight to stop Pandora from playing right away when opening it, on website or app, desktop or mobile, and would prefer to just have the option to turn autostart OFF permanently in settings. Doesn't matter if it's a separate setting on web and app, don't care if it's enabled by default, I just want it to stop.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas

Hey, @InsanitysMuse👋

Thanks for posting your suggestion! I'm sure other listeners would be interested in this option as well.

If you'd like to see your request implemented, be sure to click on the  ❤️icon next to the title of your suggestion on the main Feature Request page. 

See ya around the community! 🎶

Diamond in the Rough

I would like this! . . . like, A LOT!



Diamond in the Rough

So, what I'm referring to is the Offline switch, and the suggested "turn off auto play" switch.

I will start all of this with the "I'm not a programer, and I don't play one on TV" caveat.

First, why not have anything downloaded to your phone just be another heading like "All Artists Albums Songs Stations Playlists Podcasts"? Just add "Downloaded"! THAT way those of us that don't download can ignore the heading (just like I do with Playlists, I do do 'em) and those that do are ready to go. That would also alleviate all that "bluetooh telling the app to be in Offline Mode" when I connect to various devices. No Offline Mode switch, no issue.

Second, with the suggestion of "a switch to turn off Pandora from playing when opened" . . . how about just having Pandora not do that? AT ALL! No switch, just have all the apps open with it waiting to be told what to do. Simple, clean, and logical. Again, no switch, no issue. I don't think people would ask for the "auto play when opened" feature to come back if it went away altogether, IM(not so)HO. And if people ACTUALLY did want it to come back, THEN think about an On/Off switch.





Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas

Thanks for posting your suggestion, @BreenX! 👍

Local Performer

This is the worst thing about Pandora on all platforms.

Opening Act

Yes. Not sure why this is even a feature request, it should just be built in by default. They say it's a convenience tht your music starts immediately but actually it's worse because it defaults to last station played and many times I want to setup my listening experience before it starts playing. This really needs to be fixed.

Local Performer

Hey Pandora. I've been using your product for over 10 years. I love it. But something that has always bothered me is that you autoplay my last station when I open the app. It's always a race to press pause once the app launches but before the first song has started playing. If I was listening to rock a week ago, but opened Pandora because I'm in a mood to listen to ambient, I don't want to be blasted with my mood from last week. A simple setting "Autoplay when opening the app" that defaults to true would be a simple way to help prevent this. Thanks!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey, @conroywhitney. 👋

I moved your post over to an existing feature request, as it seems like you'd be interested in this option as well. 

In order to upvote this idea, be sure to click on the  ❤️icon next to the title of this suggestion on the main Feature Request page.