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I would like to see this get added to Pandora Radio. I would like to see what song and artist is coming up next on a radio station or when using shuffle mode.
How many up votes does something need to be implemented?!
Iv'e seen things implemented with 3 up votes. I'd have to assume its because it was something you guys were already working on! Just to make it seem like you're actually listening to your community.
Hi @isDjango, that's a great approach to variety and shaping your stations. Thanks for the innovate suggestion. Don't forget to ❤️, the more votes an idea gets the more likely that it will be looked at for our roadmap.
yep. this needs to be a thing. pandora knows whats next. just let us know. or give a que list or something like other services do. this can change depending on new thumbs etc. word.
I like this idea. I get frustrated when I create a station with like five artists/bands and then only hear songs from four of those artists for several hours or days before I hear a song from the fifth. It would be nice if there was a "play a song from this band now" option, like calling a radio station and making a request.
Google/Youtube and Spotify don't do much right when it comes to stations, but they got this one thing right: they do let you see a decent number of upcoming songs, and it's nice. You can get a feel for what's about to play from your station selection without listening for half an hour first.