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Adding a children's track to station now brings in more censored tracks

Local Performer

So I've been suffering the same problem since about October or November of 2023 but I've just ignored it for a long time. I've dipped into googling solutions every so often, so I've verified things like the Explicit setting is on and such. This response you've posted to Riala4 seems to be the biggest culprit. Do I understand correctly that simply adding a "children's" song to a station will essentially poison the well for the rest of the entire station regardless of the settings and such established over a decade in the past? There's no way to include these loved songs in a channel but keep the algorithm from ruining the rest of the database? The only solution is to excise a song we want included in the station just to remind the algorithm that we're not in fact 10 years old and would like to hear gamer words when appropriate in other songs? 

I only ask because my station, which I'm always proud to note, I've been building since 2/8/2010, runs the entire gamut from the 40s to present day, dipping into France, South America, India, and Ireland. I made a concerted push to include 90s Disney music from their most famous movies because I realized it had been a long time since I'd heard them played, even though I had thumbs-up'd them a long time ago. So started adding them by name and composer into the system. The algorithm isn't smart enough to realize that just because I desire to listen to music from 30 years ago doesn't make me a toddler, just as it should realize just because I enjoy some  Dean Martin doesn't mean I'm a septuagenarian. 

Now my question is, if I Thumbs-down the censored music, will the algorithm start playing the explicit versions? Or will it only be corrected by removing the Disney music I asked for?

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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1 Reply

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Martyn I created a separate thread for you since it sounds like you are experiencing a separate issue.

The previous thread you posted on is specifically for users to report any tracks that were once explicit but are now only playing the censored version of (ex: you gave a Thumbs Up to an explicit track, however when that same track plays again, the censored version plays instead).

From what you described, it sounds like you may have added various Disney tracks to one of your stations, which has in turn began to play more and more censored tracks.

This being said, I'm happy to help look into it further.

The next time a censored track plays on your station, please provide the following info:

  • The device you are using to stream Pandora:
  • The name of the station where this occurred:
  • The name(s) of the artist(s):
  • The title(s) of the censored track(s):
  • Confirmation that you were able to give the censored track(s) a Thumbs down:
  • Were you listening using a Pandora Mode like Crowd Faves, Discovery or Deep Cuts?:
  • A screenshot of the censored track that plays on your station:

Thanks for working with me on this.

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