Lyrics are often available for many songs right in Pandora. However, lately, songs that show lyrics, when you click in to see the full lyrics, now are an empty page. This is an issue on many Spanish songs it seems like. Please fix this issue. It was really nice to have these lyrics right in the app.
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
@Eehamm Thanks for sharing your experience with the community.
I've passed this along to the appropriate parties for further investigation. We'll follow up with you if we need any additional details.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
I hope this is the right board for this issue. I'm having issues with songs that show that lyrics are available but click on it and No Lyrics. I contacted Pandora back on 2/07/2023 and have received any answers to my dilemma. Anyone else having this issue? Any possible solutions?
Hopefully the answer is out there
Thank You for listening
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
@KarlAlt I moved your post over to this existing thread: Clicking See All Lyrics leads to a blank page
Your feedback has now been passed along to the engineers who are looking into this.
Thanks for your patience!
Thank You for passing it along, just hope they find an answer because this is not acceptable.
Bionic Reader extension for Firefox was interfering with Pandora
Listening type:
-Browser Pandora app on Firefox in Windows 10.
-when clicking view lyrics, page has no lyrics at all. This happened intermittently, but more often than not.
-Pandora browser page displays "oops, something went wrong please refresh the page" while playing music, making it difficult to change songs or stations.
What I did to fix it:
-after disabling the Bionic Reader extension for Firefox, the problems went away.
P.S. Bionic Reader bolds portions of words to help with parsing text visually. My dyslexic friend told me about it, and it does improve reading speed and reduce word confusion, IMO. It's a shame I can't use it with Pandora.