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Full Thumbs Up list doesn't load in profile

Local Performer

I'm having trouble loading my thumbs up list on Windows 10Capture.PNG as well!

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Local Performer

I'm also experiencing the same problem on a Windows 10 PC via the MS Edge browser and on the Pandora Windows app.  Guess the Pandora techs are still "looking into it", as they've presumably been doing for the past year+.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@jim33426 Can you please send us a screenshot of what you are seeing?

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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Backing up what @jim33426 stated, I am also using Windows 10 PC but I am using the Firefox browser.

Local Performer

After hitting Page-Down sufficiently to scroll down approximately 1/3 of the way through the list, it won't respond.  At that point, the progress wheel continues to spin and the error message pops up for a few moments before disappearing.  At that point, when I enter cntrl-a, which does successfully highlight all of the displayed items from the beginning to the freeze-point, cntrl-c to copy them, and then in MS Word cntrl-v to paste them, only around 30 of the them actually paste.  Given all of that behavior, the lack of a simple export function which would allow downloading a list in .csv or other ubiquitous format, and the multi-year duration of the "malfunction", I strongly suspect that this is intentional to prevent easily generating a list of thumbed songs.

After working on this for an hour or so, I came across a third-party cloud app called Soundizz that enables instant export of the list of one's favorites from many music sites (including Pandora) and/or transfer from one music site to another.  Cost me $4.50, but WELL worth it.


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for following up with that information, @jim33426.

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with our engineering team.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I am having this issue as well. It only loads maybe 100 songs or so. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Beebear611 I have added your report to the ticket we have open with the engineers who are looking into this.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

@AdamPandora - Nope. I have been on an ethernet cable the whole time. I have tried this on my PC and my phone and while the count is slightly different, the result is the same. I have also rebooted router multiple times, and I've tried it on my phone using three different public wifi networks. I can never get further than song #67 out of 1012 songs. This is so annoying I have decided to cancel my pandora subscription. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@rastatech I definitely understand your frustration.

I've added your feedback over to the engineers who are currently looking into this issue.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Now my list is down to 5. SMH, lol.

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So, not sure if this is an issue for anyone else, but I've tried in two web browsers with the same result.  When I go to my profile in the Web UI, and attempt to view my list of "Thumps Up'd" songs, the initial list loads.  When I attempt to scroll down past the bottom of the list, a "loading" icon briefly appears, then disappears.  The list never expands as expected.  I use Thumbs Up to mark songs I want to add to my library, and right now I have weeks' worth of thumbing that I need to go back and review, to add to my Spotify library.  But I can't, because that data is effectively out of reach.  Anyone got any ideas?  If I could even just export the data as a csv or something, that would be great!

Forgot to add:  This is occuring in Firefox 89.0 and Chromium 83 on Linux

Community Manager
Community Manager

@hadenodom I moved your post over to this existing thread: Full Thumbs Up list doesn't load in profile

Our engineering team is aware of this issue and is currently looking into it.

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with them.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I've been having a similar problem as well. I will thumbs up multiple songs, however they never appear anywhere. My thumbs up list has remained at 67 for months now, and I can't remove any of the songs. I've tried deleting the app, signing out of my account, clearing the data on the app, going through settings to see if it was something I did, nothing. I use that to add songs to my playlists later when I have time but I can no longer do that since it won't add or remove any songs from it.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Snrosales01 It looks like you are running into two separate issues.

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with the engineers who are looking into the issue with your full list of Thumbs Up ratings not loading in your profile.

In regards to your new Thumbs Up ratings not appearing anywhere, I noticed that your My Thumbs Up playlist was deleted.

This is the playlist that contains all of your Thumbs Up ratings.

I've gone ahead and restored that playlist for you.

You should now see it again in your collection.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

@AdamPandora Hi, could you restore my Thumbs Up list to my collection too?

I cant see my Thumbs Up songs under my profile. It only lets me see a small portion of all my Thumbs Up.

I appreciate the help.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@latincharm6 I moved your post over to this existing thread: Full Thumbs Up list doesn't load in profile

Our engineering team is aware of this issue and is currently looking into it.

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with them.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer


as you can see i have 2000 thumbed up songs over the past decade but i havent been using pandora for like 5 years. I wanted to see my collection of thumbed on songs but the list is only able to show the first 8 ones and then the page is trying to refresh the rest of the list for infinite time and failing.

Is there a way to access these thumbed up songs or view my collection?

image attached.





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Community Manager
Community Manager

@rrusku I moved your post over to this existing thread: Full Thumbs Up list doesn't load in profile

Our engineering team is aware of this issue and is currently looking into it.

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with them.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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This is still occuring.  Is there a way to export the data, since we're still having trouble getting it to load in the web view?  Just a CSV of all my bookmarked/thumbed songs would be great.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@hadenodom Unfortunately, our engineers are still looking into this issue.

Additionally, there isn't currently a way to export a list of your thumbed up tracks. If you'd like to see that option added, I recommend creating a feature request for your suggestion here.

Thanks again for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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