@cfuenmayor Nice to see you around the Community. 👋🏽
To shuffle an on-demand piece of content such as a playlist:
You can also start shuffling the tracks in a playlist by opening the playlist directly from your collection.
From there, you can click on the Shuffle icon located directly beneath the playlist art.
Hope this helps!
Is there any way to set it to AUTOMATICALLY shuffle when chosen? Mine comes on in my car without having to open it on my phone, but it goes right to the straight list. I would love to avoid opening the app on my phone if possible?
@sadiira While there isn't currently a way to do that, I recommend creating a feature request for your suggestion here.
This will give others around the Community a chance to upvote your idea if it is something they'd like to see added to the service as well.
Hope this helps!
Thanks @Adam
Always happy to help, @sadiira.
Hope we continue to see you around the Community!