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I can’t find quick mix

Local Performer

I had quick mix but it’s disappear and now I can’t find it. 

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3 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @Hirokodehlin. 👋

What kind of device are you using to stream Pandora? 

What is the make and model?

Or, are you using your computer?

Let me know.

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer

I have access to Quick Mix on my cell phone, but not on my desktop.  What's up?


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Community Manager
Community Manager

@age52 You should still be able to shuffle your stations on your dekstop.

I'd be happy to help offer some tips on how to shuffle your stations.

Shuffling from the Now Playing screen:

  • Free ad-supported or Plus listeners can find the option to shuffle your stations above the station list.

Shuffling from the My Collection page:

  • Free ad-supported or Plus listeners will first sort the collection by Stations and then select Shuffle Stations.
  • Premium listeners can go to My Collection, and sort the collection by Stations and select Shuffle Stations.
  • All tiers can switch between Shuffle All and a custom shuffle: just click the carat (down arrow) on the Shuffle On icon and choose either Shuffle All or Custom.

Customizing Shuffle Stations:

Stations with a blue shuffle icon will be included in the Shuffle rotation. Clicking on that icon will remove that station from your shuffle rotation.

You can customize the station included in your shuffle selection by:

  • Hovering over the Shuffle On icon which will appear on the Now Playing screen which will reveal a pencil icon.
  • Clicking the pencil icon will bring you to the My Collection page.
  • Check or uncheck each station to modify your shuffle experience, either in the bottom right corner of each stations' album art, or (if you're using A-Z sorting) to the right of the station name.
  • Premium listeners can navigate more easily when customizing the shuffle experience, by sorting the stations by Recent (date added), A-Z (alphabetical) or Time Listened using the caret on the far right of your screen.

To exit Shuffle, simply select and play an individual station.

Hope this helps! 😎

Adam | Community Moderator
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